outline_designer 7.x-2.1

Bug fixes

Cleaned up a couple outstanding minor issues in the issue queue and applied patches, this is a polish release.

outline_designer 7.x-2.0

Bug fixes

Have been in the RC phase without major issues. Pushing ahead to full release.

outline_designer 7.x-2.0-rc1

New features
Bug fixes

Bug fixes

New features

  • Usability improvement highlights the row you are working on when you click or hover, can also change the context of what is being worked on with a click
  • Support has been added for the jwerty keyboard combination library. If you enable libraries API and download jwerty to sites/all/libraries/jwerty you'll get this additional functionality:
    1. Shift + Control + A : add child page
    2. Shift + Control + D : Duplicate (requires book_copy)
    3. Shift + Control + R : Rename
    4. Shift + Control + H : Hide (requires hidden nodes)
    5. Shift + Control + "+" : Increase interface size
    6. Shift + Control + ":" : collapse all branches
    7. Shift + Control + " : expand all branches

outline_designer 7.x-2.0-beta1

Bug fixes

Outline Designer has reached Beta due to significant stability / usability improvements

outline_designer 7.x-2.0-alpha3

Bug fixes
  • Better implementation of D7 AJAX api though still not perfect.
  • Screen not refreshing titles has been corrected
  • Several bug fixes in the admin sides of things
  • Cleaned up CSS / style of the interface
  • Optimized Jquery statements to reflect better practices / new ajax implementation
  • began decoupling old method of ajax submission

It's getting there.

outline_designer 6.x-2.0-beta3

New features

Improved support for outline designer menu submodule. This branch will be the recommended version soon as it's being tested in production currently without any reported issues at the moment.

outline_designer 7.x-2.0-alpha2

New features
Bug fixes

Book logic abstracted from OD core and enhancements from 6.x-2.x branch pushed forward.

outline_designer 6.x-2.0-beta2

New features

Book logic has been completely abstracted from outline designer core. Also the API has changed slightly to allow for pure API based operations (ones that never render to the end user like drag and drop).

Menu and other projects should be able to be integrated now

outline_designer 7.x-2.0-alpha1

Bug fixes

This is a stable enough port of the 6.x-2.x code to get a working version out.

Known issues

  • Tables reload by adding titles to the end of existing
  • Hidden nodes integration currently unstable
  • OD Book settings page with permissions per action currently unstable
  • Duplicate is non-functioning

outline_designer 7.x-2.x-dev

dev branch for 7.x-2.x port of the 6.x-2.x API and functionality branch. 7.x-1.x will never exist essentially. this should be the working branch for now

outline_designer 6.x-2.x-dev

New features
Bug fixes

2.x branch is for rebuilding outline designer from the ground up and abstracting the UI from the book module

outline_designer 6.x-1.2

Security update
New features
Bug fixes

Issues addressed in Outline Designer 1.2 :
* Fix for SA-CONTRIB-2010-105 - Outline Designer - Cross Site Request Forgery
* Added ability to change theme of context menu (on usability page)

outline_designer 6.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes

Fixed clean URLs issue -- #495296
Fixed minor Checkbox issue -- #820038
Fixed issue where duplication of branched content would screw up parenting -- #373171

Added lots of UX improvements
Added new icon set
Added performance improvements that make the tool far faster
Added View button
Added UX fix where a book without children breaks Drupal core js code (core issue this module provides a fix for)

Optimized the backend handling
Now has 100% correct in Coder

outline_designer 6.x-1.0-rc2

Bug fixes

#372962 -- patch by Cloudy -- you can now upload your own icons to use in the outline

outline_designer 6.x-1.0-rc1

New features

This is the first Release Candidate for the Outline Designer. I wanted to put as much polish as possible into it before releasing a first version so here goes....

outline_designer 6.x-1.x-dev

New features

Initial release of Drupal 6 version of the outline designer. Requires Book (core-optional), Thickbox, and Ajax modules.

outline_designer 5.x-1.5

Bug fixes

Made permissions mapping more flexible and included support for Panels module: http://drupal.org/node/275099

outline_designer 5.x-1.4

Security update

Fixes SA-2008-043 - Outline designer - Privilege escalation.

here was a security hole that could potentially either corrupt a session or switch a user from one account to another (including the super user).

This was caused by a missing = sign. Hole was identified in two issue reports:




outline_designer 5.x-1.3-2

Bug fixes

Fixed some IE / Opera issues. IE is still very buggy because...well...it's IE. Everything else has flawless support on my install.

outline_designer 5.x-1.2-3

Bug fixes

Takes care of a laundry list of usability / CSS issues as well as some minor code issues. Upgrading is highly recommended.

outline_designer 5.x-1.2-2

Bug fixes

Didn't include all the correct files in the 5.x-1.2-1 build.

outline_designer 5.x-1.2-1


Found a few bugs in the beta release, this is production ready.

outline_designer 5.x-1.2-1beta2

Bug fixes

Let's try this one more time...sorry, I'm new here :)

5.x-1.2.1-beta2 has fixed the following issues from 5.x-1.0-beta1:
*Ajax.php file removed and merged with outline_designer.module to simplify install / improve security
*outline_designer_outline broken down into a few themed functions
*All db query's patched up with %s and %d instead of inline to block injection
*Glitch fixed where sites without clean URL's turned on couldn't use outline designer / certain functionality
*Cleaned up licensing in source files

outline_designer 5.x-1.2-beta2

Bug fixes

5.x-1.2-beta2 has fixed the following issues from 5.x-1.0-beta1:
*Ajax.php file removed and merged with outline_designer.module to simplify install / improve security
*outline_designer_outline broken down into a few themed functions
*All db query's patched up with %s and %d instead of inline to block injection
*Glitch fixed where sites without clean URL's turned on couldn't use outline designer / certain functionality
*Cleaned up licensing in source files

outline_designer 5.x-1.0-beta2

Bug fixes

beta2 has fixed the following issues from beta1:
*Ajax.php file removed and merged with outline_designer.module to simplify install / improve security
*outline_designer_outline broken down into a few themed functions
*All db query's patched up with %s and %d instead of inline to block injection
*Glitch fixed where sites without clean URL's turned on couldn't use outline designer / certain functionality

outline_designer 5.x-1.0-beta1


Beta1 Release of the outline designer. Check out the README.txt file for what needs to be looked into for V1

outline_designer 5.x-1.x-dev

Nightly Dev build of module (should be very similar to beta at the moment)

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