Collaborative books let you easily set up a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on your web site. The main benefit is that you don't have to write all the questions/answers by yourself - let the community do it for you!

Note:: There is also an FAQ module that can also be used collaboratively.

In order to set up the FAQ, you have to create a new book which will hold all your content. To do so,

  1. Click on the create content » book page link.
  2. Give it a thoughtful title. A title like "Estonia Travel - FAQ" is nice.
  3. Set the Parent to <top-level> to make this page the beginning of a new book
  4. Add in the text of the book page into the Body textarea.
  5. Leave the log message blank for now.
  6. Use the weight field to position this book in the list on the book module page.

After you have submitted this book page, you are ready to begin filling up your book with questions that are frequently asked.

Creating new pages for your FAQ. The process for creating new pages in your FAQ is very similar to above. When choosing the Parent option, select the FAQ book page that you already created to add it to the book.

Adding existing non-book pages to your FAQ. Whenever you come across a post which you want to include in your FAQ,

  1. Click on the outline tab at the top of the page.
  2. Place the relevant post wherever is most appropriate in your book by selecting a Parent.


  • Books are quite flexible. They can have sections like Flying to Estonia, Eating in Estonia and so on. As you get more experienced with the book module, you can reorganize posts in your book so that it stays organized.
  • Any comments attached to those relevant posts which you designate as book pages will also be transported into your book. This is a great feature, since much wisdom is shared via comments. Remember that all future comments and edits will automatically be reflected in your book.
  • You may wish to edit the title of posts when adding them to your FAQ. Clear titles improve navigability enormously.
  • Book pages may come from any content type (blog, story, page, etc.). If you are creating a post solely for inclusion in your book, then use the create content » book page link.
  • If you don't see the edit tab or outline tab , then you probably have insufficient permissions.


natsnock’s picture

I'm trying to create a test FAQ book - but had troubles on step3 - couldn't find in the parent item drop-down box in the Menu settings, when creating a new book page...

GoddamnNoise’s picture

At step 3, on the "Create Book Page" form, you should click on the "Book outline" to unfold the "Book outline" fieldset, where you should see a drop-down list called "Book". You should select "" on that list to create a new book or, you could select the name of an existing book on that list and then it should appear a new drop-down list called "Parent item" where you'll be able to choose the parent of the new book page.