Replaced by: 

The project features are now available at the Node Revision Delete module.

The Revisionator module clean up insightly old revisions! Revisionator removes
revisions older than the specified age, leaving a minimum number of revisions
per node.

Further development

If you read the Similar Projects section in the Node Revision Delete module you will see that at this moment there are 10 modules that works with the Cleanup of Revisions:

We don't need all these modules to clean revisions when we can have only one, is more easy to maintain and we can concentrate efforts, the only module that is being migrated to Drupal 8 is #2866825: [node_revision_delete] Node Revision Delete and at the same time the new features are backported to the 7.x-3.x version. So, we recommend you to use the Node Revision Delete module.

Supporting organizations: 
Sponsored the module development
Sponsored the module development

Project information
