I've found that posting remotely through the blogger API causes XML tags to be converted into entities. The posts go through, but the titles look like "<title>My Title" and so forth. My fix is to comment out line 233 in includes/xmlrpcs.php. Surrounding code looks like this:

  // decompose incoming XML into request structure

  xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, true);
  xml_set_element_handler($parser, "xmlrpc_se", "xmlrpc_ee");
  xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, "xmlrpc_cd");
  //deleting the default handler allows entites to be parsed
  //xml_set_default_handler($parser, "xmlrpc_dh");

I'm dumping the default handler and letting markup through unchanged. It works, but I can't be sure I haven't opened something up for abuse. I haven't found any comments in the forum about this, so perhaps it's something peculiar to my setup. I'm running PHP 5.0.3.

Any comments?