tracknstack 6.x-2.91

Bug fixes

Display "File doesn't exist" message if the node has no mixdown.

tracknstack 6.x-2.9

New features

- No more dependencies on wavegain since files are no more normalized in the mixdown process.
- Validations added to file submit form. Flac, ogg & wav files supported.
- Use soxi to validate file format & sample rate.

tracknstack 6.x-2.8

New features

- No more dependencies on wavegain since files are no more normalized in the mixdown process.
- Validations added to file submit form. Flac, ogg & wav files supported.
- Use soxi to validate file format & sample rate.

tracknstack 6.x-2.7

Bug fixes

jPlayer's swfPath url fixed. soxmix unpredictable test removed from get_absolute_sox_path method.

tracknstack 6.x-2.4

New features

Status added to a track. "In Progress" allows users to collaborate (by default) and "Complete" when no more contributions are required.

tracknstack 6.x-2.3

New features

Status added to a track. "In Progress" allows users to collaborate (by default) and "Complete" when no more contributions are required.

tracknstack 6.x-2.1

Bug fixes

Uses sox instead of soxmix if only a single file to mix.

tracknstack 6.x-2.0

New features

Auto mixdown (using SoX and WaveGain), compatible with filemime ( and jplayer ( modules and no more dependencies with audio module ( This version is not compatible with 6.x-1.x.

tracknstack 6.x-2.x-dev

New features

Auto mixdown (using SoX and WaveGain), compatible with filemime ( and jplayer ( modules and no more dependencies with audio module ( This version is not compatible with 6.x-1.x.

tracknstack 5.x-1.4

Bug fixes

User email address removed from the from section of emails when user check in new tracks.

tracknstack 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

User email address removed from the from section of emails when user check in new tracks.

tracknstack 5.x-1.3

- File numbers in history are now auto-generated
- Audio 2.x compatible

tracknstack 5.x-1.2

Improved release of the tracknstack module 1.1 for Drupal 5.x

tracknstack 5.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Improved release of the tracknstack module 1.0 for Drupal 5.x

tracknstack 5.x-1.x-dev

New features

Development release of the tracknstack module for Drupal 5.x

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