uc_addresses 7.x-1.0-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

New in this first beta release of Ubercart Addresses 7.x-1.0 is the addition of Feeds integration. This addition makes it possible to import addresses from a CSV file (or from any source, due to Feeds' great architecture). This release also fixes a bug in the upgrade path from 6.x-1.0. And, finally, the feature for copying addresses from the delivery pane to the billing pane (and vice versa) in the order administration has been restored. This feature was previously removed, because it didn't work well with extra fields (for example, from Extra Fields Pane).

Changes since 7.x-1.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

  • Issue #1974976 by MegaChriz: fixed failing upgrade path from uc_addresses 6.x-1.x.
  • Issue #1986798 by MegaChriz: fixed bug where two addresses could be marked as the same default type through the API.

New features

  • Issue #1986732 by MegaChriz: added feature to change the weight of the address form element on the user registration page.
  • Issue #1309546 by MegaChriz: added Feeds integration.

uc_addresses 7.x-1.0-alpha2

New features
Bug fixes

In this second alpha release of Ubercart Addresses 7.x-1.0, lots of features have been added, though the "base" features (address book, checkout, order administration) did not change much. Ubercart Addresses now integrates with Entity API, which means you can access addresses from Rules and Panels and a lot of other modules that provide Entity related functionality. The other great addition is extended Views integration. In 7.x-1.0-alpha1 you already had "basic" Views integration, meaning you could create a view of addresses using fields. The 7.x-1.0-alpha2 version brings much more, especially access related features. This are the new features:

  • Create a View using the address row style, allowing you to create an address listing themed just like in the address book;
  • When using fields: view, edit and delete links;
  • Filter the View by address access;
  • In arguments/contextual filters: validators for address access;
  • Address access checks for Views displays;
  • A View to replace the address book page (this View is disabled by default).

Changes since 7.x-1.0-alpha1

API changes

  • Issue #1894858 by MegaChriz: made API change in UcAddressesPermissions to be able to check access for other users.

uc_addresses 6.x-2.0-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

This milestone is completely in the light of extended Views integration. In 6.x-2.0-alpha2, you already had "basic" Views integration, meaning you could create a view of addresses using fields. The 6.x-2.0-beta1 version brings much more, especially access related features. This are the new features:

  • Create a View using the address row style, allowing you to create an address listing themed just like in the address book;
  • When using fields: view, edit and delete links;
  • Filter the View by address access;
  • In arguments/contextual filters: validators for address access;
  • Address access checks for Views displays;
  • A View to replace the address book page (this View is disabled by default).

Changes since 6.x-2.0-alpha2

API changes

  • Issue #1894858 by MegaChriz: made API change in UcAddressesPermissions to be able to check access for other users.
  • Issue #1831424 by MegaChriz: backported API additions from the 7.x-1.x version.
  • Issue #1910626 by MegaChriz: API change: specified field data types.

Bug fixes

uc_addresses 7.x-1.0-alpha1

This is the first alpha release of Ubercart Addresses 7.x-1.0. This is mainly a port of the 6.x-2.x version, although there are some little differences, such as that AJAX technics are used at checkout and in the order administration.

This release includes all "required" features for the module and so it should work properly at least in a basic setup with standard configuration. There are two reasons why this is only an "alpha" release. That's because:

uc_addresses 6.x-2.0-alpha2

New features
Bug fixes

The biggest change in this release compared to 6.x-2.0-alpha1 is the addition of automated tests. Furthermore, basic Views integration is added. This means that now an address View can be created using fields. More Views integration is planned for a future release, see #1391216: Views integration for the 6.x-2.x and 7.x-1.x version for details. An example module is added to demonstrate a way to add extra address fields using the field handler API, though I recommend using Extra Fields Pane if you just want to add some simple extra address fields (such a text field or a select field).

Just as the 6.x-2.0-alpha1 version, this release includes all "required" features for the module and so it should work properly at least in a basic setup with standard configuration.

Changes since 6.x-2.0-alpha1

Bug fixes

  • Issue #1381120 by MegaChriz: fixed foreach warning in address book when user has no addresses.
  • Issue #1412060 by MegaChriz: renamed permissions that contained an apostrophe: "everyone's" has been replaced by "all".
  • Issue #1668666 by miccelito, MegaChriz: make default addresses on address book page better themable.

uc_addresses 7.x-1.x-dev

This is a development release of the 7.x-1.x branch. This is mainly a port of the 6.x-2.x version, although there are some little differences, such as that AJAX technics are used at checkout and in the order administration. The 7.x-1.x version also has one extra feature that the 6.x-2.x version doesn't have: integration with the Feeds module.

Changes since 7.x-1.0-beta1

No changes at the time of writing.

See CHANGELOG.txt for the most actual list of changes.

uc_addresses 6.x-2.0-alpha1

New features

The first alpha release of Ubercart Addresses 6.x-2.0. This release includes all the "required" features of the module. The main flow of the module has been test and should be fully operational. The only reason this is an "alpha" release is because other "optional" features are planned to be implemented, such as Views integration.
Please try it out and submit bugs or feature requests.

This version introduces:

  • A total new API
  • A system for adding extra address fields (via the API)
  • Hooks for addresses operations (load, presave, insert, update and delete)
  • Default shipping and default billing addresses
  • Address format settings for addresses from Ubercart Addresses
  • Fine grained permission settings
  • Improved theming

uc_addresses 6.x-2.x-dev

New features

Dev-snapshot for the 6.x-2.x branch of Ubercart Addresses.

Compared to the 6.x-1.x version, this version introduces:

uc_addresses 6.x-1.0-rc1

New features
Bug fixes

First official release of the 6.x version of uc_addresses.

uc_addresses 5.x-2.2

New features
Bug fixes

The major change was that a number of fixes to the 6.x release were backported to the 5.x release. Unfortunately, I don't have a list of these fixes.

This is probably the last update to the 5.x release.

uc_addresses 6.x-1.x-dev

New features

Initial D6 version. Most features seem to work, but there is one know problem: trying to change the country will result in a warning the first time. Repeat and it will work.

Not ready for production use. You have been warned!

uc_addresses 5.x-2.0

New features
Bug fixes

This release includes some important bug fixes as well as new features. Be sure to run update.php after installing this update.

New feature summary:

  • Users can assign optional (usually short) names to an address.
  • You can choose whether to require that an address be entered when first registering.

Important bug fixes summary:

  • If the default address was used to automatically fill in the billing or delivery addresses, all the fields became optional so users could omit all fields.
  • When placing an order, the order address was saved too early and too often. The module now waits for for payment to be received before looking at the addresses the user entered.
  • When you told the module to automatically fill in the billing and delivery addresses, it would do so even if the user had edited the fields. So if the user modified an address, reviewed the order, found a mistake and went back, the modifications were overwritten.

Complete details:

  • Fix for bug [#285765]: uc_addresses should not be in Drupal - core. It is now in Drupal - extra.
  • Enhancement as per [#287299] - you can have users skip entering an address during registration.

uc_addresses 5.x-2.0-rc2

Bug fixes

Please review the notes for 5.x-2.0-rc1. Here are the additional changes:

Changes since DRUPAL-5--2-0-RC1:

uc_addresses 5.x-2.0-rc1

New features
Bug fixes

This release includes some important bug fixes as well as new features. Be sure to run update.php after installing this update.

New feature summary:

  • Users can assign optional (usually short) names to an address.
  • You can choose whether to require that an address be entered when first registering.

Important bug fixes summary:

  • If the default address was used to automatically fill in the billing or delivery addresses, all the fields became optional so users could omit all fields.
  • When placing an order, the order address was saved too early and too often. The module now waits for for payment to be received before looking at the addresses the user entered.
  • When you told the module to automatically fill in the billing and delivery addresses, it would do so even if the user had edited the fields. So if the user modified an address, reviewed the order, found a mistake and went back, the modifications were overwritten.

Complete details:

  • Fix for bug [#285765]: uc_addresses should not be in Drupal - core. It is now in Drupal - extra.
  • Enhancement as per [#287299] - you can have users skip entering an address during registration.

uc_addresses 5.x-1.0

This is the official 1.0 release of uc_addresses. It is exactly the same as RC4.

uc_addresses 5.x-1.0-rc3

New features
Bug fixes

This release includes on new feature:

  • When an anonymous user places an order, the user's addresses are stored in the session. If the system creates an account for the user, the addresses are added to the newly created account (see #268603: Anonyomus address saving.)

And some bug fixes:

uc_addresses 5.x-1.0-rc2

Bug fixes

This release contains two small bug fixes.

  • In RC1, when you placed an order using an existing address, you would get a warning about the address being a duplicate. The warning is now gone.
  • In RC1, if you went to the "../user" page, you would see the Address tab. The program now checks to make sure that there is a integer user id following "../user" before displaying the tab.

If there are no problems with this release, it will become the official 1.0.

uc_addresses 5.x-1.0-rc1

New features

This is the first non-developer release of uc_addresses. It includes all the features I wanted except 1 (see the TODO.txt file) and I've tested it somewhat, but I wanted a little more testing before creating the final 1.0 release. Please try it out and submit and bugs or feature requests.

Bug fixes:

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