I needed the invoice to be able to display content of a parcel. In the store.module, in the theme_store_invoice method, after these lines

      if (0 && is_array($p->data)) {
        foreach ($p->data as $key => $value) {
          if ($value) {
            $items[] = '<strong>'. check_plain($key). ': </strong>'. check_plain($value);
        if ($items) {
          $details = theme('item_list', $items);
      $row[] = array(array('data' => $p->qty, 'align' => 'center', 'valign' => 'top'), '<em>'. check_plain($p->title). '</em> '. (($prod->sku != '') ? "[". check_plain($prod->sku) ."]" : ''). '<br />'. $details, array('data' => payment_format($price), 'valign' => 'top', 'align' => 'right'));

Add this block and you will get a nice list of all products included in the package.

      if ($p->ptype == "parcel") {
        $nids = explode(',',$prod->mnid);
        foreach($nids as $key=>$nid) {
          $sub = node_load($nid);
          $list[] = '<em>'. check_plain($sub->title). '</em> '. (($sub->sku != '') ? "[". check_plain($sub->sku) ."]" : '');
        $row[] = array(array('align' => 'center', 'valign' => 'top'), theme('item_list', $list) . '<br />'. $details);


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