Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

The Hitchhiker theme is a Drupal 8 base theme with sensible defaults. It is a stylish, versatile, and reusable theme for projects to get up and running quickly.

NOTE: This theme is a current work in process.

* Good online documentation on Drupal.org
* Good in “code” documentation / readme files
* In theme help (tabs on theme page) (link to Simplytest demo)

Style features:
* Modern Design
* Clean
* Reusable / Sensible
* Versatile
* Good basic layouts (Regions)

Technical features:
* Uses Classy as a base theme
* Susy grid system
* Gulp
* LiveReload - Documentation
* JS and CSS linting
* Automated styleguide using KSS Node
* Edit colors through UI
* Edit fonts through UI

Don't panic.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information

  • Created by legaudinier on , updated