I want to add two buttons on the editor to call external functions:

1. a button for img_assist
2. A button to show a smiley box (as the smileys module does for tinymce/fckeditor)

However, reading the docs (on the main markitup site) I cannot seem to figure put how. There is an example calling a function (http://markitup.jaysalvat.com/documentation/#callbacks) - but even the examples do not work.

PS how modified is markitup from upstream? is updating to the latest version (1.1.1) as simple as just replacing the files or is there more to it.


mlsamuelson’s picture


At current, the version of the markItUp plugin in CVS is the 1.1 version. Current obligations have prevented me from working on the module in recent weeks, but I have plans to get back to it soon, and will look into the newer version. I believe the README.txt for the module explains the modifications made to the plugin - which are rather minor. Actually, if memory serves me correctly, I don't think any changes were made to the plugin, but only to the sets and skins, and those consisted of renaming stylesheets and adding a namespace in the js files.

BTW, because of my bottleneck at the moment, anyone with interest in helping would be greatly appreciated and encouraged.

I haven't done much with the buttons yet, so you're probably more knowledgeable than me on that, at this point.
