This module provides Drush commands to rapidly index with Search API, using all your CPU cores. It can be quite useful when you have more than 10.000 nodes in your website.

It is a multi-process approach by spawning new Drush commands that handle queues.

It relies on Drush and a Unix/Linux-based system.

Controlling search_api_fast examples:
Drupal 8 (settings.php)

$config['search_api_fast.performance']['index_workers'] = 8;
$config['search_api_fast.performance']['worker_batch_size'] = 100;
$config['search_api_fast.performance']['max_batches_worker_respawn'] = 4;
$config['search_api_fast.performance']['drush'] = '/opt/mycooldrush/drush';

Drupal 7 (settings.php)

$conf['search_api_fast_index_workers'] = 8;
$conf['search_api_fast_worker_batch_size'] = 100;
$conf['search_api_fast_max_batches_worker_respawn'] = 4;


Run this from the webroot to start indexing:
- drush search-api-fast:index [index-name]
You could use 'top' or 'ps -ef | grep drush' to see all workers spawn.

To reindex:
- drush search-api-fast:index [index-name] reindex

To clear the index and then reindex:
- drush search-api-fast:index [index-name] clear

See the for further instructions.

Supporting organizations: 
Sponsoring and development

Project information
