This module adds a new Bootstrap carousel slider block. The block is created programatically and is ready to use directly, doesn't need to create views or configure extra modules. Enable and use it.

The carousel works with Bootstrap 3.x and 4.x templates, also tested with Drupal Bootstrap and Drupal Barrio templates and sub-templates.

Supports any fieldable entity type like nodes, users, comments or media.

Installation and configuration

  • Enable the module
  • Go to Administration > Structure > Block layout
  • Place a Diba carousel block in a region
  • Configure the block settings
  • Enjoy

Every block instance have settings for:

  • Content selection and ordering
  • Assigning slide fields like title, caption, image or link
  • Settings for carousel styling and configuration

This module supports: Custom publishing options, so you can use your custom publishing options to filter the content in the carousel.

Note: You need to load Bootstrap (css/js) or use a Bootstrap theme to work. The block only generates the bootstrap carousel HTML structure. You can also style the carousel with bootstrap themes or custom css.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
