This module integrates PayPlug payment as a gateway for your Drupal Commerce 2.x website.


PayPlug is a french payment gateway company that offers credit card online payment with very low fees compared to competitors. Don't hesitate to contact them for special offers depending on your business size.


This module integrates with Drupal Commerce 2.x and lets your customer pay via the PayPlug gateway. It supports the various following options:
- offsite payment via PayPlug
- support test / live mode (test mode can be tried for free at PayPlug
- forwards customer infos (order id, name and address, etc..) to PayPlug backend for tracability.


Currently, only offsite payment gateway is supported.
PayPlug also provides onsite and embedded payment forms that is not yet supported by this module.
If you miss something, don't hesitate to ask for feature requests.


This module is provided for free and free support is offered via the issue queue. To help it keep free, please take two minutes, to either contact me or PayPlug team to add me as a sponsor (id = 318). This would cost you nothing but 2 min of your time and help me a lot !


This module requires PayPlug PHP dependency. The module can thus be installed via Composer using :
composer config repositories.drupal composer
composer require "drupal/commerce_payplug"
or by download the module as usual then running (from commerce_payplug folder)
composer install

Use composer update drupal/commerce_payplug --with-dependencies to update Commerce PayPlug to a new release.

See Using Composer in a Drupal project for more information.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
