Entities may have a JSON API representation automatically uploaded to S3 or other file storage systems upon creation. This is handled using the Flysystem module and library. Data will be stored in a file named "[uuid].json" based upon the entity's UUID value.

The upload process is handled using the core Drupal queue system. When an entity is created or updated an item will be added to the "jsonapi_flysystem_uploader_push" queue. The next time that the website's cron event runs it will process each queued item. Additionally, Drush (or other tools) may be used to manually process items in the queue.

Configuration of the JSON output itself may be made using the JSON API Extras module.

This module was designed to be as barebones as possible, so there currently isn't even a way of editing the configuration through the UI. Currently the configuration is all managed through the site's settings.php file, similar to Flysystem; see below for details.


The following modules are required:

There are a variety of Flysystem submodules which add support for different destination types, and more can be easily added using its flexible APIs.

Supporting organizations: 
Initial development, ongoing support.
Initial development, ongoing support.

Project information
