This module integrates your Drupal website with Dialogflow (ex Api.AI) Webooks, letting your Dialogflow agents talk with your website, respond to Intents request and fill slots.

The integration is very simple: the module handles the request and triggers a Symfony Event which modules can subscribe to in order to add their logic.

Developers and Site builder may want to use Chatbot API (2.x) module and take advantage of its Intents pluggable system in order to simplify the implementation of their Intents logic, as well as its chatbot_api_entities submodule to dynamically push Drupal content to Dialogflow entities.

Basic and with custom HTTP headers authentications method are supported.


Dialogflow Webhook requires some PHP libraries. See the module's composer.json file to know exactly what libraries we require and/or suggest.
If you have a composer-based project you are covered, otherwise you'll need download and autoload them manually. Check Installing modules' Composer dependencies and also Using Composer to manage Drupal site dependencies for some approaches on how to handle this.

Entity Push

This module supports Chatbot API feature to push entities to remote services, enabling site-builder to automatically push entities (Nodes, Taxonomy Terms, Users, etc.) to Dialogflow entities, and synonyms.
Check module README.txt for authorising your Drupal instance to push entities to the Dialogflow agent.

Supporting organizations: 
Continuos support
Initial development

Project information
