SugarCRM configuration page

This project provides integration with SugarCRM for Webform submissions. Module provides easy to use webform component mapping interface and SugarCRM configuration page. Each form component can be mapped to any field from all modules in respective SugarCRM system. On submission new record will be set in mapped CRM modules.


As it is not possible for now to cover all options for SugarCRM specific module requirement, this module provides option to use the CRM integration class and extend with additional methods which can cover the specific requirements.

If the included submit handler does not provide all required for your specific needs functionality you can add your own with simply altering the form. It is important your submit handler to be executed before any of the Webform module submit handlers as for the mapping of the fields are used components machine names and these are replace with there CID after those submit handlers are executed.


  • Integration with SugarCRM for Webform submissions.
  • Mapping interface for Webform components.
  • Customizable


Drupal 7

  • Webform
  • Webform UUID

Drupal 8

  • Webform
  • Webform UI


If You experiance difficulties with connecting to SugarCRM check the project '.htaccess' file for any restrction to REST service API.


Drupal 7

  • SugarCRM configuration: /admin/config/services/sugarcrm
  • Webform components mapping: /node/{nid}/webform/sugarcrm-mapping

Drupal 8

  • SugarCRM configuration: /admin/config/services/sugarcrm
  • Webform components mapping: admin/structure/webform/manage/{webform}/sugarcrm-mapping

Additional Information

GitHub project

In version 8.x-2.x are replaced deprecated functions as of Drupal 8.5.0.


Mapping configuration for now is stored as variables.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
