What this module does

This module contains functionality to allow a Geolocation field and an Address field to be linked together.

Note that there are multiple branches for the Geolocation module, which have different APIs! This module is only suitable for the 8.1 version of Geolocation. The 8.3 branch of Geolocation contains the capability to link an address field to a geolocation field, so this module is not needed for that version.

There will be no Drupal 9 version of this module because there probably will be no Drupal 9 version of the Geolocation branch that it works on.

Each entity type that uses this functionality needs two fields:

  1. An address field to allow the user to input an address.
  2. A geolocation field that will contain the geocoordinates of the address and display them in a map.

Both fields should have the same settings for allowed number of values. If they have multiple values, the first value in the address field will correspond to the first value in the geolocation field, etc.

This module provides:

  • A geocoder service that can be used to retrieve geocoordinates for an array of values structured like the address field. The service will also provide boundary coordinates and can compute a suggested zoom level based on the size of the area covered in the boundary.
  • A configuration setting to select specific geolocation field(s) that should be updated from the values in corresponding address field(s) when the entity is saved. This update will also store the boundary and zoom level in the field(s).
  • An optional formatter, `Geolocation Google Maps API - Map with dynamic zoom`, that overrides the default Google Maps formatter to use the zoom value stored in the geolocation field when displaying the map.


Configure the functionality at admin/config/system/geolocation-address/settings. There you can identify which address and geolocation fields should be linked together.

When the entity is saved, any values in the address field will be geocoded and used to automatically update the geocoordinates in the related geolocation field.

The assumption is that the geolocation field will be hidden on the edit form since it will be updated automatically when the entity is saved. Note that any previous values in the geolocation field will be wiped out by this update!

To display address field values in the map, use either the Map formatter provided by this module or the Map formatter provided by the Geolocation module, and use tokens for title and content values. For instance, if the address field is called `field_address`, the token for a fully formatted address would be `[node:field_address]`, and the token for the organization name in the address would be `[node:field_address:organization]`.

Note there is a bug in the Geolocation module when displaying any formatted value in the map, https://www.drupal.org/project/geolocation/issues/2879274. That issue includes a suggested patch.


The API can be used independently of the included configuration.

Example usage of the API:


$geocoder = \Drupal.service('geolocation_address.address2geo');
$address = [
  'country_code' => 'US',
  'administrative_area' => 'IL',
  'locality' => 'Chicago',
  'address_line1' => '111 First Street',
$geodata = $geocoder->geocode($address);


$geocoder = \Drupal.service('geolocation_address.address2geo');

$addresses = $entity->get('field_address')->getValue());
$values = [];
foreach ($addresses as $delta => $address) {
  if ($geodata = $geocoder->geocode($address)) {
    $values[$delta] = $geodata;
$entity->set('field_geolocation', $values);

Project information

  • caution Seeking new maintainer
    The current maintainers are looking for new people to take ownership.
  • caution Maintenance fixes only
    Considered feature-complete by its maintainers.
  • Module categories: Site Structure
  • chart icon74 sites report using this module
  • Created by KarenS on , updated
  • shieldStable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
    There are currently no supported stable releases.
