Based on the Amazee blog post and other conversations, there is interest in modernizing the infrastructure to leverage containers.

Thom Toogood also shared this on Slack:

Hey, been testing out a few things with a more containerized approach here —
Contribute to simplytest development by creating an account on GitHub.
[11:10 PM]
it’s working nicely locally with `docker-compose` and I’ve also got a PoC running on GKE using helm to deploy new instances
[11:11 PM]
GKE is using preemptible VMs — so it’s very cost effective (edited)
[11:13 PM]
will work on adding docs to setup with the local Kubernetes instance that now comes with docker.
[11:15 PM]
If you happen to already got a k8s cluster setup with helm it’s basically — `helm install --set version="8" --set package="drupal/token" ./simplytest`
[11:16 PM]
on GKE and once a package is in the cache it takes ~5 secs to spin up a fresh instance

I think containers are a great approach, as they can rapidly provision and tear down, which fits the time-based model of This appears to be a much larger conversation the community can weigh in on, however. I'd love to get a sense on what the right approach is.

PatrickD has created a finely tuned set up (for performance), that relies heavily on memory. This should be considered.


nerdstein created an issue. See original summary.

nerdstein’s picture

I'd like to add some additional context.

First, is that the current solution leverages a set of servers to distribute the load. It would be ideal if the container based solution could do the same instead of having to move to one massive server or a cloud-based solution (which would likely add cost and likely introduce funding-related considerations to this tool).

Second, I'm well aware that there are many community-based docker solutions that already exist. I hope that many people/teams do a little research on and submit their ideas - much like the Amazee team did in their blog post. Personally, I have no idea which tool would be best, if not something customized for the unique system needs. I strongly encourage anyone interested to share their voice.

To be 100% clear, it is very important that many companies and individuals are able to participate and/or contribute to this open source project. While certain tools may be selected for specific aspects of the solution, this should be determined through community discussion, determination of technical merit, impact on maintenance/support, and deliberation on how this best serves the system users. It is incredibly important that everyone has a voice and can contribute so this tool is truly community owned and maintains as little bias as possible.

Jon Pugh’s picture

I am currently in the unique position of modernizing a ten-year-old Drupal provisioning tool some of you may have heard of called Aegir. Aegir started 10 years ago powering a Drupal-as-a-Service business, and is still in use today.

It's primary use case is exactly the same as Build a codebase, launch a Drupal site.

Like I said in some tweets, most criticism of Aegir is valid. DId I say "modernizing"? I meant rewriting from scratch.

I'm focusing only on the CLI at this point, creating a new standalone tool called Provision 4.x. Symfony Console based, composer powered, using Robo as a framework... it's been amazing to work with. See /src folder at

Provision has always supported Apache & NGINX, but now it works with Docker-compose out of the box. However, being OOP, you can really wire up any service (like kubernetes) using simple classes.

In a few short months I've got it functional. It will launch a working docker stack when you run provision verify SERVER. It will build a Drupal codebase from a makefile or a git repository when you run provision verify PLATFORM. And finally, it will create a database, user with permissions, and a virtualhost configuration when you run provision verify SITE.

Technical merits aside, this project has community and history behind it. I'd estimate at least 10,000 sites already run on Aegir, including more than 500 sites being hosted by NASA.

My goal with Provision 4.x is to make it a Universal DevOps CLI: It should make it easy to run Drupal on any computer, local, testing, production, or otherwise. (It already does localhost well. I was even able to use MacOS' built-in Apache.)

Any community investment in this tool will have huge payoffs across the pipeline.

Provision 4.x is a blank slate. Ready to support whatever the community deems important. I'd love to figure out if there's potential for collaboration here.

Here's some GIFs showing how we're trying to make it as easy to digest as possible:

greg.1.anderson’s picture

I'm really encouraged by @JonPugh's work with Provision. It's looking very promising.

Regarding the accessibility of Kubernetes, local development can be done using minikube (, and there's also a free tier for Kubernetes on GCE, which would be suitable for tinkering during dev work. See

Once you have a tool that is running using Docker, it isn't hard to deploy it on Kube. See the following hack I did a short while back as a POC that runs as a Docker container on Kubernetes:

Generally speaking, I think that moving to a Docker / Kube infrastructure is the right way to go for most use-cases where you need to scale out. (Did you notice that the load balancer in the POC comes for free, and the scale-out is a single setting in a .yml file?)

That said, there are still a couple of barriers:

- Familiarity: Lots of people are using Docker, but Kube is still mysterious. While Kube makes it easy to do a lot of things, there's a lot to learn and understand. I do encourage you to study simple examples, like the above, and not get too bogged down in all of the kube documentation.
- Payment methodology: I'm not really sure how simplytestme is being funded right now. If someone is donating a bunch of more traditional servers for free, maybe it's most expedient to keep using that. If there's a source of funding that's currently going towards the existing servers, then maybe Kube could be a drop-in replacement at some point. If this is all coming from Bank of Nerdstein, then you need to be comfortable with how the costs are incurred and scaled.

Collaboration among different tools e.g. provision sounds like a winning proposition to me.

8thom’s picture

@JonPugh Provision sounds like a really useful project, will keep an eye on progress there!

To provide some background to the project referenced in the IS. It was made as a PoC at the time when the projects future was uncertain to basically see how hard it would be to setup a "quick and dirty" replacement to, so big thanks to @nerdstein for taking over the reins!

Also, a massive thanks to @patrick_d for all his work building and maintaining the service all these years!

It is important to note that these container-based infrastructure solutions were not really an option when the project started and TBH it's only recently that a somewhat "stable" container-based solution has been viable.

With this in mind the challenge was how to build a similar solution leveraging as many upstream sources as possible.
There's lots of potential to optimise it a lot more but decisions were made to reduce any ongoing maintenance.
Unfortunately, there's cost implications with this approach as it assumes the use of a KaaS providers such as GKE (Google), AKS (Microsoft) or EKS (Amazon).

Having discussed with @nerdstein on slack today, it's clearly preferable to continue to leverage the existing infrastructure rather than using a cloud provider with additional costs. It would be great if we could get sponsorship from a cloud provider as it would eliminate the need for any infra maintenance. @nerdstein wonder if it's worth asking, they're all currently pushing this tech and a service like is an excellent example of how it works, especially since the project is open source with an appropriate audience.

The alternative is to build a self managed cluster, my concern with this is the maintenance/support burden it would add to the project.

@greg.1.anderson - working on some docs for helm but trying to make the setup as easy as possible and discovering some edge cases with the new kube/docker integration. Looks like I'll probably stick to minikube which seems to be more stable at this stage.

Still blows my mind what can be achieved these days with 193 lines of code! --

geerlingguy’s picture

It is important to note that these container-based infrastructure solutions were not really an option when the project started and TBH it's only recently that a somewhat "stable" container-based solution has been viable.

The alternative is to build a self managed cluster, my concern with this is the maintenance/support burden it would add to the project.

IMO it's really all about how the resources are managed/paid for. If we could get cheap/free/inexpensive hosting from a platform that manage k8s for us, then that's one thing—the community operating a k8s cluster on bare metal hardware or cheap dedicated servers is something else entirely.

It's not that k8s an unstable platform at this point—it's just we're in the same sort of situation with k8s (and OpenShift, etc.) right now that I think Docker was in ~4-5 years ago, where (nearly) everyone sees how it's the best technical solution and will be awesome, but not many people want to risk putting their legacy apps (e.g. Drupal) into production with it yet (unless using a managed platform, e.g. GKE, EKS, etc.).

Anyways, since I know I can't devote much to this project, I would encourage @nerdstein to move towards whatever tech stack / setup he's most comfortable with (regardless of popularity or buzzworthiness), since he's the one who has his name in the maintainer's list :)

The nicest thing about is its ephemeral nature—it makes it a lot easier to deal with databases and such when you don't have to deal with containers and persistence!

Owen Barton’s picture

I think it would be worth considering building/maintaining a single Docker image (or tiered set of images) that can start up a disposable Drupal site given a project name or other argument. This would provide a very simple and clean API that requires nothing except Docker running on the host and could work on both the current bare metal servers as well as container-as-a-service providers (e.g. ACI and, which I think would likely be most cost effective, hardware donation aside) and/or a Kubernetes cluster in the future.

Running multiple services per-container is counter to Docker normal practice, however as far as I can see all of the primary reasons for doing this don't actually apply in our case. The benefits of splitting containers by service are things like (a) process/resource management, (b) scaling, (c) security isolation and (d) state management. (a) is fixed at 1 DB and 1 web server per-site with almost identical management needs and resource usage between sites, (b) is not an issue (no need to scale web servers separately etc), (c) is also not an issue, since it's disposable and (hopefully) sufficiently locked down at the configuration level and (d) is also not an issue (disposable).

In other words I am thinking the an API like `docker run simplytest/drupal8 panels` that would contain all resources needed running under a lightweight process supervisor (e.g. multirun). Having everything in a single image would make the image build slightly more complex, but once built the software/config wouldn't change that fast.

The benefits of a single image are that it becomes more accessible/useful for people to test locally (no need to download a docker-compose file or anything at all) and the scheduling aspect becomes much simpler and more agile - easier to integrate into the current framework as well as refactor into more modern architectures.. Specifically one site = one container means no networking, service discovery or dynamic configuration to deal with.

geerlingguy’s picture

Running multiple services per-container is counter to Docker normal practice

And yet 99.9% of real world use I've observed do just that :)

It's a tired trope, and unless you're building greenfield systems or have the time/ability/staff to support the logging, monitoring, debugging, etc. of container-per-service, you're going to use something like supervisord or even systemd to manage multiple services in a given container.

In the case of something like, I agree 100% that I'd rather have a monocontainer (like how Drupal VM's official docker image is configured) to manage 1,000 instances of, than running 3x or 4x that number of instances to split webserver + php-fpm + database + drush + whatever other tooling is needed per container.

Tools like k8s make managing the more complex scenario easier, but IMHO the complexity (of the service-per-container approach) wouldn't be worth it for a community/freely-supported project like this. You want devs who want to fix things to be able to jump in and fix a problem quickly and without having to be deeply invested in the Docker ecosystem.

If this were an SaaS product being managed by some company in the community with at least a part time dedicated engineer, my thoughts would be much different, but it's a community project that needs to be as simple, maintainable, and grokable as possible, so I agree with @Owen above.

Owen Barton’s picture

Another thing we can do (significantly more easily) with a single container is actually install Drupal core during the container image build (heck, we could even build a separate image with every different project pre-installed!). This is one less thing that has to happen on start-up which should reduce both the start-up time and complexity. I have done similar things in the past and am working on a proof-of-concept we could play with.

Owen Barton’s picture

I have put up a proof of concept at - this image comes with Drupal pre-installed (including the database) so the entrypoint is very simple/fast. You can install additional projects with composer by passing the project name as an argument.
You can also easily pre-build an image for a project, which can be used as a "lazy-loading" system, so project sites can be spun up quickly after first run. Popular projects/versions could also be pre-built in advance (of course theoretically every project/version could be built in advance given sufficient time and disk space).
See the README for examples of all these and to try it out.

The image is reasonably small (650MB, including base image) and I made a start on tweaking the config to lock-down PHP (using the config from the project) and limit memory (uses about 200M RAM for MySQL and 50MB for Apache).

Still would be quite a bit to do to get this production ready:

  • Needs a frontend that can take a project name and redirect to a known URL
  • Needs some proxies to make the containable accessible on a namespaced public URL. A bunch of ways of doing this: Træfik could do this trivially on a single Docker server or local Kubernetes cluster - a distributed setup would be more work though.
  • Needs something to spin-up containers and hold the browser in a wait-state until it is ready. There are bunch of ways of doing this too: I would suggest a simple web application that sits on the default Træfik backend and when a HTTP request is received uses the Docker or Kubernetes APIs to lazy build (if needed) and start a container, serving a static "please wait" page that just refreshes (the user will automatically get the project site once it comes up and registers itself with Træfik).
  • There is a bunch of logic in to handle different dev versions, patches, installing distributions and themes etc - any of this that should still be supported would also need to be ported (mainly into / Right now it only enables a module/theme if the name is the same as the project
  • Would need a Drupal 7 version (if desired). These versions can probably inherit from a shared base image.
nerdstein’s picture

I want to thank everyone for the participation here -- both discussion and the proof of concepts. I think there is a lot of overlap in people's ideas.

One area that still seems to need some assistance is in what parameters are needed. A major consideration is Composer. I created #2939866 to try to further some understanding around Composer. This is critical for dependencies.

On Slack #simplytestme today, we discussed how this might impact the container-based infrastructure.

@mixologic discussed work on the TestBot:

mixologic [6:17 PM]
DrupalCI: Test Runner
This DrupalCI sub-project is responsible for the test runners being used on the infrastructure. This project's repository contain's the project's docker container definitions, and a Symfony Console application which executes the actual testing process itself. Visit the DrupalCI main project page for more info, or the official documentation pages. Want to run a testbot locally? Here are the instructions:

is the testrunner that does all of the building

and is the thing that builds the docker containers and the host AMI for aws, as well as VMware,
DrupalCI: Environments
This is where we keep all of the dockerfiles and configuration for the containers used by drupalci. This repository also contains all of the configuration and provisioning for the AMI and Vagrantbox for the Host environment that drupalci runs within.

(it uses packer, so if you were planning on hosting on another cloud provider, it could generate an image for those too)

Theres definitely things drupalci doesnt do yet, like distributions.. so that'd be a thing.

A code audit of both testbot projects would be advantageous to identify the potential overlap (conceptually, there is a lot). There likely will be some variation we need to resolve through the UI or through the container-based implementation.

To speculate, roughly, on the parameters: we need to cover projects, themes, distributions, and patches for both Drupal 7 and 8. Leveraging Drupal Project would likely simplify Composer. The parameters passed could call a series of Composer commands to build a composer.json file, including examples like:

  • Project/theme/distro: composer upgrade drupal/commerce drupal/commerce_payment drupal/commerce_shipping drupal/commerce_checkout --with-dependencies
  • Project/theme/distro: composer require drupal/commerce drupal/commerce_payment drupal/commerce_shipping drupal/commerce_checkout --with-dependencies
  • Patches: composer config extra.patches.drupal/core "[label]": "[URL]"

If we pass parameters to the container, these composer commands need run in the container. It's my understanding that a Drush site-install now runs Composer install. As long as a Composer file with the parameters is in tact, Composer install will run when the site is installed.

nerdstein’s picture

Other sponsored APIs can be found here:

nerdstein’s picture

I wanted to provide a brief update.

There was an issue (e.g. in which PHP 7.x has not been installed and is causing an error for some of the newer Drupal 8.x branches. An immediate next step will be to load the PHP 7 binaries and see if this resolves it.

This exercise has shown there is complexity around the maintenance of the infrastructure and application. There is a lot of manual changes that are not backed up and not scripted to be automated. We need to prioritize moving this modernization forward.

Any modernization would require some significant refactoring to the Drupal 7 code base. With Drupal 8 becoming more prevalent, it doesn't make sense to invest in Drupal 7.

Proposed approach: Leverage Owen's container-based approach with a new Drupal 8 SimplyTest application built on Digital Ocean. This approach will be explored in an incremental beta application. There is some work to do to extend Owen's approach to support patches, multiple projects, distros, and more.

I have procured a Digital Ocean subscription and intend to use their API to spin up Droplets for the STM instances based on the Docker container. This will help move the BETA app forward. I've made a new Sandbox module - and I am currently working on a revamped, web-service based UI that will simplify the manual synchronization.

Digital Ocean has native support for domains. I need to explore how environments can be dynamically provisioned, subdomain creation, etc. Traefik may be involved, but, ideally, we can just use Digital Ocean out of the box.

I'll be continuing to update this issue as this progresses. My goal is to get a rough prototype up as soon as possible.

colan’s picture

Sorry for coming late to the party, and I may be too late to say this, but I thought I'd mention it because it looks like things may have stalled. (I could be wrong. If so, please enlighten me.)

I think we may be going overboard with containers. Would they really add additional value over Aegir 3, the currently stable version? On Simply's front-end dashboard site, we could make use of Aegir Site Subscriptions. This has the added benefit of communicating with Aegir over its Web-services API, which means we can swap out the back-end (Aegir 3) and replace it with a new one (Aegir 5) when it's ready. By the time it's stable, we'll have a clean migration/import path.

Aegir 3 already supports Composer in a nice clean way via Aegir Deploy.

There's a bit more work to do on Aegir 5, but we're close to an alpha. See the architecture for more information. And yes, it'll be able to manage containers too (because Ansible can do anything).


volkswagenchick’s picture

Status: Active » Fixed

Great discussion everyone!!
We have switched frameworks, so I am closing this issue as fixed. Thanks!

greg.1.anderson’s picture

Woo hoo!

Status: Fixed » Closed (fixed)

Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.