This module does nothing on its own other than provide an API that
allows modules a way to specify any dependency, based on a list.

This is, in part, due to the vast Drupal ecosystem where there are tons of "similar" projects that do almost the same thing but just "slightly" different. To compensate for a site that may use one variety of "popular" module over another, this allows a module to support multiple projects.

This modules was originally created for the Service Container module and inspired from Allow usage of alternative autoloaders.


Setup is relatively easy. Just add the following to your module's .info file.

dependencies[] = any
any[] = some_contrib_module (>= 7.x-1.3)
any[] = another_similar_contrib_module (>= 7.x-5.0)
any[] = yet_one_more_contrib_module

Note: the order of these dependencies is important. The first one to be found will be used.

Once a valid dependency has been found, this module will automatically add it as a hard dependency in your module's info definition.

Once that is done, you will also need to add the following to your module's .install file to ensure that it isn't installable until at least one of these modules is available:

 * Implements hook_requirements().
function MY_MODULE_requirements($phase) {
  // Attempt to load the "any" dependencies module.
  if (!module_exists('any')) {

  // If "any" still doesn't exist then inform the user.
  if (!module_exists('any')) {
    $t = get_t();
    $requirements["MY_MODULE-missing-any"] = [
      'title' => $t('Missing "any" dependency'),
      'description' => $t('The module "MY_MODULE" requires the !url project. Please download and install it first.', [
        '!url' => '',
      'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
    return $requirements; 
  // Load the "any" module and let it perform requirement checks.
  drupal_load('module', 'any');
  return any_check_install_requirements($phase, 'MY_MODULE');

Advanced Grouping

For complex dependencies, an optional "group" may be specified. If no group has been specified, it will default to dependencies:

dependencies[] = any
any[group1] = some_contrib_module (>= 7.x-2.0)
any[group1] = another_similar_contrib_module (>= 7.x-2.0)
any[group2] = another_similar_contrib_module
any[group2] = yet_one_more_contrib_module

Note:* this functionality is still a work-in-progress. Its functionality/features may fluctuate or radically change in future releases.


There is minimal support for Drush to help install dependencies.

Note: this functionality is still a work-in-progress. Its functionality/features may fluctuate or radically change in future releases.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
