Note: Maintainer recommends using Scheduled Transitions as an alternative to combining Content Moderation and Scheduled Updates.

Adds a validator ensuring scheduled updates for content moderation state updates are valid.

Adds a widget to the new state on scheduled update entity allowing user to select valid states of the parent entity of scheduled update.


  1. Make scheduled updates work with moderation state field: Scheduled updates doesnt yet (as of July 2018) work with moderation state field, so you need a patch from #2821916: Scheduled Updates does not work with Content Moderation. Ive found patch from comment 7 works well.
  2. Use the state transition widget: After creating a new scheduled update type against the moderation state field, go to your Manage form display tab and change the widget for your state field from "Textfield" to "Moderation state (Scheduled update)".
  3. Tip If you are having trouble with states not being run, I've found that setting the scheduled update type Run update setting to "the owner of the last revision" works best.


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