11 people on Drupal.org

Office locations

Organization type

End user of Drupal


Brussels, Belgium

VDAB (Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeids Bemiddeling) is the public employment service of Flanders and the largest job site in Belgium.
We broker between employers and job-searchers and try to close any knowledge gaps by providing modular education and training on the job.

Our websites are all migrated to D10.

The Java applications have front-end widgets integrated in the www.vdab.be site and in the werkgevers.vdab.be site (for employers) depending on user profile.

The intranet includes built in knowledge-bases (contact-center/help desk/backoffices). Instead of a top-down-news-intranet, we created a task oriented work-space. With grid, we offer a highly modular homepage, with widgets built to support specific tasks or teams.

Our extranet helps our partners do their job with all the necessary tools and info.

The Drupal team (12 FTE) is part of the Software Factory (>200), which is part of the VDAB I&T department (>400). Almost 5000 colleagues work at VDAB.
The last several years we have worked hard to go digital first in our contacts with our customers (job-searchers, companies with job offers, ...)
Our education department has always had a strong online learning department, and we are increasing our offerings daily.

Drupal contributions

At the moment Cegeka and VDAB are working together to document and share our search module with the community.
In November 2022 there was an open sprint to improve this Elasticsearch Search Api module.

Credited on 1 security advisory in the past 12 months

Credited on 7 issues fixed in the past 3 months