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This module is a simple solution to provide a new slider widget for numeric fields. The widget consists in a draggable handle (slider) within a range as an option for the traditional Drupal core's "Number field" widget.
This module proposal is not the same from Range ( module.
This module will not provide a solution for inputing range values. This module is made for selecting number values within a pre-defined range, using jQueryUI.Slider component ( to provide a different way to insert number values that contains minimum and maximum allowed values.

Traditional Number field:
Traditional Number Field
Range Slider Widget:
Range Slider Widget


Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. See:
for further information.


1. Create a new Number field within the desired Content Type:
* For example, for "foo" content type, go to Structure » Content Types » Foo » + Add field. Add a new Number field. The number field can be either Number (decimal), Number (float) or Number (integer).
* Configure all field preferences. The "Minimum" and "Maximum" fields will be used to define the slider range. A range of 100 will be considered if these options were not provided.
2. Choose "Range Slider" as the widget for this field in Administration » Structure » Content Types » Foo » Manage form display Click on "Save" button:
Widget preferences

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
