I'll try to be as detailed as possible:
I use lightbox2 with imagefield gallery and imagecache. Imagecache seems to work without any problems with private files - i see all presets perfectly fine.

I use imagefield gallery to display images uploaded using CCKs imagefield. In full node view I see images in a grid format (that is how imagefield gallery displays them - see example here http://www.worxco.com/imagefield-gallery-example). In this view the images are displayed fine (using an imagecache preset). Here's where the problems start.

1. When I click on any of the thumbnail images the lightbox fires up - the background goes dim in the usual way and the little circle starts spinning which means it is trying to load the file. After a few moments the circle stops spinning and I get an image of a crossed black camera which probably means it failed to load the file.

2. Now when I go to logs (admin/logs) I see the following error:
error type: page not found
location: http://mysite.com/system/files/system/files/albums/2008/image1.png

The location is weird because 'system/files' are repeated twice which shouldn't be the case (folder 'albums' and '2008' are within my private directory)

3. I presume there is a path error (I ftp-ed to my website to check that the file is actually properly uploaded - it is) and I went back to the full node view (the same as that one http://www.worxco.com/imagefield-gallery-example). Now the strange thing is that, upon hovering over an image, in the bottom bar of the browser I see

(where /home/myservername/private is the path to the private directory set up in admin/settings/file_system

instead of

(which is the format in which I see the links for all other uploaded files)

this leads me to believe that the paths are not displayed properly. Would anyone happen to have any idea what might be wrong? Thanks!


EclipseGc’s picture

There are known issues with private files and IFG 1.x The problem is that when I built this imagecache didn't work with private files, and I'm dependent upon it, so I saw no reason to pursue the issue further. Things have changed since that time, and I'm still working out other bugs for my 2.x version. I'll ad this to the list of things to fix for IFG 2.

omnyx’s picture

Eclipse - I originally tried to explain in detail what the problem is at http://drupal.org/node/298901#comment-978751
Stella, the developer of Lightbox2, was really kind to help me out but I now believe that this is more of a Image field gallery issue than either image field, imagecache or lightbox2.

Please let me know if there's a patch or a quick workaround for this. I'd love to use imagefield module as I have on other websites!


EclipseGc’s picture


I'll try to put this on my list of todos for as soon as drupalcon is over. However I have an issue with the current system as I've totally change the api, and don't quite understand all the ramifications of getting the newest version up on CVS properly. As soon as I get that solved, I'll see if I can't make sure that the proper code gets created to handle this problem. If you have a chance to fix it yourself, feel free and I'll try to reuse the code in the 2.x branch. This is almost certainly an ifg problem and no one else's.

Sorry about that.


omnyx’s picture

huh there's nothing to be sorry about; it's your good will and free time that made the module possible in the first place :)

all I wanted to do is to provide as much detail as I could about the issue so that it's easier to locate and fix the problem.

I'll play around with it and see if I can figure it out
Take care,

omnyx’s picture


Do you know if the problem with the private files has been resolved?

omnyx’s picture

any updates on this?