Collapsible Widget
Collapsible Expand Widget
Collapsible Collapse Widget
Latest Parargaphs Stable widget > Rather use this.

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

It is recommended to NOT use this module anymore.

The latest Paragraphs Stable Widget, already has Collapsed / Summary, Nested and Open Preview modes. Rather just use the latest Paragraphs Widget which works very well.

Collapsible plugin for paragraphs widget for Drupal 8, 9 & 10 Ready

Improves the Paragraphs widget by applying CSS tweaks and collapsible feature ( however, as noted, may be obsolete due to the latest Paragraphs Stable Widget now having this feature.


Require the module via composer :
composer require drupal/paragraphs_collapsible

Enable it:

$ drush en paragraphs_collapsible -y

Requires Pragraphs module.

No configuration required.

Supporting organizations: 
Created module

Project information
