This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

The Statistics API/Framework module allows applications or other contrib modules to track
numerical entries, either globally or related to a specific entity or entity
type. Examples are:

  • How many times a specific content item has been viewed in general.
  • How many times a specific page has been viewed by a specific user.
  • How many times a specific user has logged in.
  • How many times a specific file has been downloaded by anyone on the site.
  • How many orders have been placed by a user.


The Statistics API module does not provide any features by itself. It needs to
be utilized by other contrib or custom modules to implement meaningful functionality.


// Get the statistics storage.
$statistics = \Drupal::service('');
// Set to 12 the number of orders belonging to user 1.
// Increment the number of views the content item with ID 1has received.
$statistics->increment('nb_views', 'node', 1);
// Fetch the number of views the content item with ID 1 has received.
$statistics->fetchValue('nb_views', 'node', 1);
// Fetch the number of times the invitation with ID 1 was sent and viewed.
  ['nb_sent', 'nb_viewed'],
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Sponsored initial development

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