
The default Drupal 8, 9 and 10 messenger service provides three types of message:

  • status
  • warning
  • error

Each of these has their own styling.

This module adds a new type of message:

  • info

With its own distinct styling. The default is blue, but like any styling, this can be changed by the active theme.

The new message can be displayed via the standard function:
\Drupal::messenger()->addMessage(t('Info text message.'), 'info');
\Drupal::messenger()->addInfo('Info text message.');


O modulo info message tem a intenção de permitir aos usuários e desenvolvedores Drupal a renderização de mensagens informativas com fundo azul claro, para isso basta chamar a função drupal_set_message e passar como segundo paramentro (tipo) a string "info".

\Drupal::messenger()->addMessage('Evite excluir os diretórios de modules manualmente antes de executar a desinstalação', 'info', FALSE);

In Action:

In Action

Git Repository:
Gitlab Drupal: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/info_messages

Supporting organizations: 
Development and bug fixing
Development and bug fixing
Development and bug fixing
In Action152.82 KB

Project information
