New Google PageSpeed Insights Drupal Block module - An easy-to-use API Wrapper for Googles PageSpeed Insights. The JSON response is mapped to objects for an headache-free usage.

The module is based on this PHP library.


1. Get an api key from the google developer console for Page Speed Insights.
2. Install module as usual via Drupal UI, Drush or Composer.
3. Go to "Extend" and enable the PhpInsights Block module.
4. Have fun with this module.


In order to get access to the Googles PageSpeed Insights API you need a unique API key. Go to and register your app. After that, go to "Configuration" -> "WEB SERVICES" -> "PHPInsights Block" and enter your API key and the username or user ID of the project's owner.


1. Create a basic page.
2. Add a PhpInsights Block to this page by going to "Structure" -> "Block layout" and then click on the Place block button.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
