A JSON:API implementation with authentication and authorization that allows for easy ingestion of content by other applications.

Varbase documentation

Check out Varbase documentation for more details.

Can be installed in the extra components installation step with Varbase

Varbase API Settings

Varbase API Settings

Varbase API - Generate Keys

Varbase API - Generate Keys

View API Docs and View JSON in entity operations

View API Docs entity operation

Auto Enabled JSON:API Endpoints for Entity Types

API Endpoints for Entity Types

JSON:API Resource overrides

API Resource overrides

OpenAPI Documentation JSON API

OpenAPI Documentation JSON API

Use With Varbase Distribution:

This module is best used with Varbase distribution.

Can be installed with any Drupal site. Even if installed with the Minimal or Standard profile.

However, using it with Varbase gives you way much more cool stuff!

Varbase documentation

Check out Varbase documentation for more details.

Join Our Slack Team for Feedback and Support

Join Varbase Slack Team for Feedback and Support

Join now: http://slack.varbase.vardot.com/

Credits: This module is a direct fork of Lightning API, made to work for Varbase distribution. All credits for the Lightning team for building this module's functionality and architecture.

This module's maintenance and ongoing work is done and sponsored by Vardot.


Supporting organizations: 
Initial building, ongoing maintenance and development

Project information
