This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

The module is designed to be an extension of BAT and provides 2 field widgets for creating bookings.

We used the headless/decoupled approach for creating this module, the backend is provided by jsonapi and of course BAT.
The frontend is made using reactjs and a couple of components:

  1. Simple booking Form

    • availability check
    • booking history
    • booking creation

    simple booking form

  2. Advanced booking form

    • calendar overview of bookings
    • booking create/update/delete

    advanced booking form

Installation and usage:

  • install the module
  • create an entity reference field on the content type you want to make bookable, the field should reference the Unit entity type
  • configure in your field display settings, the widget you would like to use
  • create a BAT Unit and create a content type which references this Unit

booking widget settings


Project information
