This module allows for more granular access control to Layout Builder by providing a set of permissions.



  • control access to layout builder page
  • control access to create/remove sections
  • control access to add and configure blocks
  • control access to edit block content
  • control access to reordering blocks
  • control access to pages user owns


The 2.x version of this module automagically generates a set of permissions based on available layouts, content types and block types. It provides an API module that defines a LayoutBuilderPermission plugin type and a set of submodules that provide plugins of this type for common use cases.

One can also define their own permissions. The Layout Builder Advanced Permissions module uses plugin discovery to find and apply permissions. To add your own
permissions, you can add a class that extends \Drupal\layout_builder_perms\LayoutBuilderPermissionBase and is
annotated with the \Drupal\layout_builder_perms\Annotation\LayoutBuilderPermission annotation. The class file should
be created in a ./src/Plugin/LayoutBuilderPermission folder in your custom module.

Each plugin should define a permission for a single operation in the layout builder. Supported operations are:

  • Add a section: section_add
  • Update a section: section_edit
  • Remove a section: section_remove
  • Add a block: block_add
  • Configure a block: block_config
  • Move a block: block_reorder
  • Remove a block: block_remove

To create a plugin for each of these operations in a given context you can use a plugin deriver. A base class
\Drupal\layout_builder_perms\LayoutBuilderPermissionPluginDeriverBase is available to make your life easier here.

See the Layout Builder Advanced Permissions Global submodule for an example.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
