Meeting will happen in #d9readiness on

Hello and welcome to this Drupal 9 readiness meeting!

This meeting:
➤ Is for core and contributed project developers as well as people who have integrations and services related to core. Site developers who want to stay in the know to keep up-to-date for the easiest Drupal 9 upgrade of their sites are also welcome.
➤ Usually happens every other Monday at 19:00 UTC.
➤ Is done over chat.
➤ Happens in threads, which you can follow to be notified of new replies even if you don’t comment in the thread. You may also join the meeting later and participate asynchronously!
➤ Has a public agenda anyone can add to: ``
➤*Transcript will be exported and posted* to the agenda issue. For anonymous comments, start with a :bust_in_silhouette: emoji. To take a comment or thread off the record, start with a :no_entry_sign: emoji.

0️⃣ Who is here today? Comment in the thread below to introduce yourself.

Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) Gábor - Drupal 9 coordinator
mradcliffe Matt (he/him) - Core mentor
vuil Modules' contributor
diqidoq Sebastian (diqidoq) contrib module maintainer and co-maintainer ... part time issue helper (also for some lil' core topics) - CEO of MAROQQO digital media Berlin / Germany. Debian Linux Distro support board member.
shaal Ofer Shaal - Umami, Drupal8rector
diqidoq Hello @ Gábor, Matt, vuil and Ofer :slightly_smiling_face:
Nick Wilde (he/him) - DC 2020 DevOps Session Team Nick, he/him, Contrib maintainer, Taoti
heddn heddn
catch Nat. Core committer.
lendude Len, lurker
larowlan Lee, late because timezones
isaiah.nixon Isaiah, late also because of timezone
dan2k3k4 Dan, reading when I get a chance

1️⃣ Do you have suggested topics you are looking to discuss? Post in this thread and we’ll open threads for them as appropriate.

diqidoq Any plans to discuss things around Layout Builder or should this be addressed somewhen/somewhere else ? Would like to discuss some questionable dependencies on other core modules and future plans to keep up the ecosystem of users who excessively used DS and Panels and such and what they gonna face with the LB plans already mapped and how we can help them to adopt LB. (edited)
shaal drupal8rector status + near future plans
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) @diqidoq is that in context of Drupal 9.0.0? that is not supposed to contain new features or internal API differences to Drupal 8.9.0 except where the API was deprecated
diqidoq @Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) from what I understood the merging back of experimental Field Layout module is mapped to Drupal 9.0.0. ? And in this context we still have hard dependencies of LB, e.g. with contextual etc causing issues where I do not know what (bigger) changes we need to solve them. But maybe you are right, these are maybe not strictly connected points needed to discuss now regarding Drupal 9.0.0 release yet -- Agree, lets keep them out here ... (edited)
catch Update path critical bugs would be good to discuss.

2️⃣ State of deprecated API removal in core (edited) 

Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) I pulled the latest data for the top graph at earlier today and it seems like we continue our roughly 7 weeks around the same state :slightly_smiling_face:
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) #3087644: Remove Drupal 8 updates up to and including 88** is now RTBC though and it was blocking a lot of these :slightly_smiling_face:
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) so fingers crossed that lands soon and then we can continue removing deprecated APIs
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) I’ve seen @alexpott and @catch both very active on this one :slightly_smiling_face:
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) I hope at least @catch is still eligible to commit :smile:
mradcliffe It's interesting that there hasn't been a significant dent in drupal_set_message
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) yeah that is probably more extensively used in long tail projects
larowlan I can take a look if catch is ineligible
catch I think I'm eligible but I'd wanted to go over exactly what the current plan for everything is with xjm, however have not been able to sync up yet.
catch #3097661: No hook_update_last_removed() equivalent for post updates could use reviews/help btw - since that blocks removing all the post updates.
larowlan Will do

3️⃣ Requiring PHP 7.3 for Drupal 9

Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) @heddn opened #3106075: Bump minimum PHP for Drupal 9 to PHP 7.3 and its currently RTBC :slightly_smiling_face:
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) any concerns, things we did not spot, etc. welcome :slightly_smiling_face:
diqidoq I am in the 7.3.+ camp :slightly_smiling_face: PHP had a long sleep in certain issues and we need to push things forward here (its the IE story actually) better sooner then later.
mradcliffe Things look good. There will probably some contrib. that start failing tests as they may have set to 9.0.x and 7.2, but that happens on occasion so not a big deal.
heddn adding a new apt repo o5 adding remi for RH is going to become a very frequent task if you want to stay current on PHP versions. For managed services, a large chunk of them seem to have PHP 7.3 support. it seems like a no brainer to push for 7.3 :shrug: (edited)
heddn I just bumped a site from 7.2 => 7.3 to eat my own dog food on Friday last week. Its a digital ocean server running ubuntu 18.04. Adding the repo, updating the fpm config and getting everything up and going was < 30 minutes (edited)
Nick Wilde (he/him) - DC 2020 DevOps Session Team Definitely +1 on 7.3. Pantheon for example supports/recs 7.1-7.3 (and also support some ancient crud for suckers stuck with custom code that is dependent on it)
larowlan Acquia (previously conservative) will require it in October for d7 and d8 sites. Making it required for d9 +1

4️⃣ New Upgrade Rector module based on’s updated Drupal8-rector!

Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) First of all @shaal at worked on updating Drupal 8-rector to the latest Rector and it works wonders :slightly_smiling_face:
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) see
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) I updated to use that now, so it can now coexist with upgrade_status
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) the plan for the coming couple days is to integrate the UI of the two modules :slightly_smiling_face:
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) so you have a patch generator and deprecation checker UI all in one :slightly_smiling_face:
diqidoq wow! +1
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) the two features are complimentary as many things are not patched by Rector and some things are not found by PHPstan (upgrade status/drupal-check)
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) I believe @shaal is planning a big push to implement a lot more of the missing deprecated APIs with rectors
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) this is how Upgrade Rector standalone UI looks now kB)
shaal We are preparing to release v1 or drupal8rector, which will include only 2 sets of deprectaions -1. drupal_set_message2. constant -> class deprectaionsThe drupal8rector code is being refactored to be easier to comprehand.Example module added to allow testing of each deprecation.
shaal We are going to make it easier for other developers who want to help adding more deprecations
shaal [WIP]
larowlan Thanks for all your work here

5️⃣ Deprecated Twig coverage and deprecated CSS/JS library coverage in Upgrade Status (edited) 

Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) The 2.x branch of upgrade status has coverage for deprecated twig tag usage and deprecated library usage in your extension libraries, templates and PHP render arrays :slightly_smiling_face:
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) Thanks all to hard work by @lauriii :slightly_smiling_face:
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) I plan to release at least a beta of this branch later this week in preparation for Drupal Global Contribution Weekend
mradcliffe Noticed that this is also 4️⃣ rather than 5️⃣ , @Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) :slightly_smiling_face:
diqidoq :slightly_smiling_face:
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) @mradcliffe fixed
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) I believe @mglaman is looking to port these to drupal-check which will increasingly close the gap between the two projects :slightly_smiling_face:
mglaman Once I can get drupal-check upto phpstan 0.12 :confused:
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) I committed a rerolled version of #3067415: Add drush command to Upgrade Status in the meantime so people can take advantage of the features from the command line this way in the meantime

6️⃣ The state of layout builder vs. field layout for Drupal 9

Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) @diqidoq raised this :slightly_smiling_face:
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) I’ve seen some recent activity on #2844302: Move Field Layout data model and API directly into \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityDisplayBase but not sure if this is validated with framework managers
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) the parent is #3007167: [META] Enable layout builder for form displays, and deprecate field_layout and the above is the only existing sub-issue ATM
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) my inner @catch says Field Layout would stay around in Drupal 9 now and be removed in Drupal 10, but I am no release manager :wink:
diqidoq :slightly_smiling_face: Yeah that are the 2 issues, I actually refer to. If somebody knows if these 2 have partly required 9.0.0 freeze changes we should not miss before 9.0.0. I would love to hear them. Users are confused by FL experimental and maybe I am too concerned, but I am worrying about raisung issues regarding this confusion. The docs for Field Layout are talking about "features" which maybe confuses users who try to test it without knowning that it is actually is rather kinda "temp" LB supporting repo. :stuck_out_tongue:
catch I need to refresh my memory on these. If we haven't moved features out of field_layout, it'll probably need to stay in core if removing it would break existing sites.
catch If the patches to move out functionality are small, they could be committed to 9.0.x theoretically, and then field_layout could be fully emptied out and deprecated though.
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) yeah so removal in Drupal 10 :slightly_smiling_face:
diqidoq :slightly_smiling_face:

7️⃣ Update path critical issues that block people from updating from earlier Drupal 8 versions to current 8 (and therefore 9)

Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) Issues at
catch I am thinking about converting #3052318: Update from 8.6 to 8.7 fails due to corrupt menu_link_content or taxonomy_term entity data to a support request, and opening a new critical bug to make SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::copyData() more resilient.
catch The problem with so many of these issues is that 95% of the reports are issues with people trying to re-run failed updates as opposed to the original upgrade path bug that they hit.
catch I am also starting to wonder if we need to add some kind of 'update semaphore' to core, so that we can detect in hook_requirements('update') that a site is trying to run updates after a failure and warn people that's not a great idea.
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) @catch like flip a flag when you start running updates and stop you from starting running updates again until the flag is cleared (normally at the end of a successful update)? (edited)
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) that would definitely be a useful feature on its own :slightly_smiling_face:
catch @Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) not stop but a big red warning.
catch btw if someone wants to help resolve one Drupal 9 release blocker, #2989745: views_update_8500() inlines configuration changes instead of this being done on config save for bc should be quite straightforward to work on.
catch I've just closed #3052542: Update from 8.6.15 to 8.7 fails in layout_discovery_post_update_recalculate_entity_form_display_dependencies() as duplicate of one of three different issues.
catch Down to 6 issues on after some triage.
lendude I’ll see if I can get some work done on that Views issue this week

8️⃣ YOUR projects’ Drupal 9 plans :slightly_smiling_face:

Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) @berdir posted this about MD System’s plans
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) if YOU have a project, you should specify your Drupal 9 plan for the project page, by editing the project and entering your plan in the “Drupal 9 porting info” field
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him)
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) this way people will be able to learn about and follow YOUR preferred way to work
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) according to 460 projects specified this already, so we are not doing bad, but your projects may not have them :slightly_smiling_face:
mradcliffe When I specified this, then it becomes yellow in the list. Should a Drupal 9 plan only be used when the module still needs work to be compatible with Drupal 9?
berdir I don't think this affects the color?
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) @mradcliffe that does not affect the color
mradcliffe oh, maybe because there's a parse error :neutral_face:

9️⃣ Drupal Global Contribution Weekend Jan 24-26 this weekend, who has plans? :slightly_smiling_face: (edited) 

Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) I posted for people to use at local events to work on removing deprecated API use :slightly_smiling_face: (edited)
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) and for those planning to work on core here is a rundown of the alpha/beta requirements to work on:
mradcliffe I need to focus on mentor projects, but hopefully someone can pick up any of the d9 things I've been working on such as #2550717: [JS] Replace jQuery.cookie with JS-cookie and provide a BC layer .
Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) Also @dan2k3k4’s slides from this week may be useful to introduce people to Drupal 9 at Drupal Global Contribution Weekend :slightly_smiling_face:

🔟 That’s it for this week’s meeting, keep up the great work folks! See you same time next Monday! #3107517: Drupal 9 readiness meeting / 27 January 2020 (edited) 

diqidoq Thanks for hosting this @Gábor Hojtsy (he/him)! :plus_one:

Only 39 days left until the first beta deadline today :slightly_smiling_face: (edited) 

Gábor Hojtsy (he/him) posted in that light :slightly_smiling_face:
diqidoq :slightly_smiling_face:


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