Recent Comments Block

Discourse Comments module provides integration with Discourse. Discourse is the 100% open source discussion platform.

* Publishes Drupal Nodes as topics on Discourse
* Retrieves posts from Discourse and shows them as comments on corresponding Drupal node

Config Form
Comment Display

Usage Instructions:
* Enable the module
* Provide the Discourse API keys etc at admin/config/discourse_comments/discourse_comments_settings
* While publishing a node for the first time, enable the "Publish to Discourse" checkbox on node edit page
* Place the "Discourse comments" block on any Drupal node page where you want the associated Discourse comments to be fetched and displayed

Known Issue:
While this is functional, the module uses deprecated API of discourse for Authentication that needs to be replaced before April 20, 2020. This is a WIP.

Solutioned/Developed by : Chintan Vyas and Moneesh Kondal

Supporting organizations: 
Sponsored Development

Project information
