I have a bug report on the cover page not working for E-journal, but another way to fix that might be to simply make e-journal compatible with panels so that you have even more flexibility to set up that front page.


romca’s picture

good idea, which panels module is the right one though? searching on the modules page i got many of them

bomarmonk’s picture

I would say you would definitely want to work with Panels 2: http://drupal.org/project/panels

It's still being developed, but it works wonderfully. The Drupal 6 panels I don't have working yet, but it is the Panels 2 variety, not Panels 1. Drupal 5 runs panels nicely...

romca’s picture

cool, the chances are for ejournal in Drupal6
after i eat this: http://drupal.org/node/206185 ;-)

in theory, should be easier because we want to make the ejournal field
cck-fields and the display stuff of the archive can be handled by
Panels themselves. It is an excellent example of how Drupal excells in
providing new services/products

higherform’s picture

Romca -

Any news/progress on this, before we work hard to do a lot of custom theming and displays?

romca’s picture

I am still far from this (i read it and if I remember well, it should not be difficult) - i haven't started on that though.

in the D6 the themeing is made much more simpler so perhaps you will not spend so much time, but the panel it is on the todo list, definitely