Hello all, it’s time for the weekly migration initiative meeting. The meeting will take place in slack in various threads
This meeting:
➤ Is for core migrate maintainers and developers and anybody else in the community with an interest in migrations
➤ Usually happens every Thursday and alternates between 1400 and 2100 UTC.
➤ Is done over chat.
➤ Happens in threads, which you can follow to be notified of new replies even if you don’t comment in the thread. You may also join the meeting later and participate asynchronously!
➤ Has a public agenda anyone can add to here: https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3154841
➤*Transcript will be exported and posted* to the agenda issue. For anonymous comments, start with a :bust_in_silhouette: emoji. To take a comment or thread off the record, start with a :no_entry_sign: emoji.

0️⃣ Who is here today? Are you ready for DrupalCon Global next week?

damienmckenna :wave: And no I'm not ready for DrupalCon X-) (edited)
alison Alison here! I won't be attending, but I'm happy for everyone who's going :)I will, however, be attending RightsCon the week of July 27 -- it's not too late to register for that con!https://rightscon.course.tc/catalog/course/rightscon-online-2020
benjifisher Benji here, and I  am not ready, either. I need to look at the schedule and prepare for contributions.
heddn Lucas here, I'm getting ready.
dinarcon Mauricio here :wave: Looking forward to attending DrupalCon Global!
Nick Dickinson Wilde Nick, he/him. T'So-uke lands/Victoria :flag-ca: "ready" what is that? hahaha sob. not ready, but super looking forward to it.
dww Derek, catching up late. Not “ready” for Con, not sure I’m “going”, either. :wink:
benjifisher @dww, are you still in Hawaii? (If so, I will try to feel some sympathy for your timezone problems. :wink: ) The time we picked in 5️⃣ should work pretty well for you.
quietone Hi, catching up.
wimleers (he/him) :wave:, catching up. (edited)

1️⃣ What should we talk about today? Suggest topics here and I will add threads.

heddn #3134470: Switch to entity owner in EntityContentBase during validation
damienmckenna Looking for recommendations on a D7 -> D8 migration that creates config entities to learn from - any simple-ish ones or examples to look at?
damienmckenna Seems like https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/api/migrate-api/migrate-destination-plugin... might be a good starting point.

2️⃣ Action items. To be added later.

benjifisher DrupalCon Global contributions: sign up at https://contrib2020.getopensocial.net/group/migrate-api-contribution/about (everyone) (edited)
benjifisher BoF at DrupalCon Global: @dinarcon will schedule one for 17:15 EDT on Tuesday.https://events.drupal.org/global2020/bofs/2020-07-14 (edited)
benjifisher Harden SubProcess process plugin: review updated patch. @damienmckenna or @benjifisherhttps://www.drupal.org/node/3126063 (edited)
benjifisher Move memory management from MigrateExecutable to an event subscriber: review updated patch and tests. @benjifisher[#3006750] (edited)
benjifisher Use styling from Upgrade Status module on Review form: Add a comment summarizing the discussion from the Usability meeting. @benjifisher[#3088215] (edited)
benjifisher Switch to entity owner in EntityContentBase during validation:Add manual testing notes to IS (@heddn)RFC (@quietone, @mikelutz)#3134470: Switch to entity owner in EntityContentBase during validation (edited)

3️⃣ Statistics

benjifisher RTBC: 12 issues, all Normal (no Major nor Critical), including three that have been waiting for more than 3 weeks.NR: 44 issues, including 5 Major and 18 that have been waiting for more than a month.We need help reviewing issues!
dinarcon Is there a page on drupal.org where one can see all migration related issues?
benjifisher Core issues tagged with "migration system": https://www.drupal.org/project/issues/drupal?component=migration+system (open issues)
dinarcon Thanks for sharing.
dww Do you have an initiative page? You can put links there to filtered advanced issue searches and there’s now JS on d.o that appends counts to each link. See https://www.drupal.org/community-initiatives/drupal-core/bug-smash for example
quietone Migrate is no longer an active initiative. #3120103: Remove migrate initiative from drupal.org as an active initiative
benjifisher It is a completed initiative, listed at https://www.drupal.org/about/strategic-initiatives#completed, and we still have the page https://www.drupal.org/about/strategic-initiatives/migrate. We could update that page. But really Migrate is a subsystem.

4️⃣ Contribution table for DrupalCon Global

benjifisher Just before this meeting, I created a group: https://contrib2020.getopensocial.net/group/migrate-api-contribution/abo... create an account on the site and join the group, so I do not feel lonely!
Nick Dickinson Wilde Joined
quietone Joined

5️⃣ BoF at DrupalCon Global

benjifisher We discussed this last week, but I do not think anyone followed up. Can we get it done during the meeting?
benjifisher I think we want just one for migration, with possible sub-topics:JSON:API source pluginFeeds MigrateMerge the media_migrate and migrate_media_handler modules
alison I liked the idea of planning for the contribution table during the BoF.But, I'm confused about the role / purpose of the BoF vs contribution table -- but maybe it's just me, and if it's just me, nm, cuz I won't be there :)
benjifisher Part of the reason for the BoF is to drum up interest for the contribution day. Part of it is general information sharing and socializing among people interested in migration.
dinarcon Are we looking to set on a specific time? What about this same time slot next week?
benjifisher We may not have much choice. Can you look at the schedule and see what is available?
benjifisher These meetings alternate every other week. Our regular meeting next week would be at 17:00 ET (7 hours later than today's meeting).
dinarcon Well, I thought of having the BoF in this time slot so it does not conflict with the regular meeting :sweat_smile:
dinarcon The schedule is quite open on Tuesday and Wednesday. And even on Thursday, it seems it is possible to have more than one BoF at the same time. So, we could possibly meet in any time slot we want between 13:00 UTC (9 AM EDT) and 1:00 UTC (9 PM EDT).
dinarcon I can schedule the BoF at https://events.drupal.org/global2020/bofs at the time we agree on
benjifisher I would rather spread out the BoFs. Be a good citizen.
benjifisher What timezone is @quietone in?
dinarcon I think NZDT which is UTC+12
benjifisher Right, and Slack claims it is now 2:50 AM for her.
benjifisher How about 17:15 on Tuesday and cancel the regular weekly meeting. @heddn, what do you think?
heddn we usually cancel during drupalcon.
heddn no objections
dinarcon 17:15 UTC on Tuesday?
benjifisher No, 17:15 EDT
dinarcon Ok, there is nothing scheduled at that time. It works for me as well.
benjifisher According to https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/nzdt, No locations currently on NZDT. Would you like to see NZST?It is currently 3:05 AM in NZST, which agrees with what Slack told me. I think that 9:15 AM should be comfortable for @quietone. (edited)
dinarcon Ok, I have schedule the BoF at the suggested time https://events.drupal.org/global2020/bofs/drupal-migrations I added some temporary text. Do let me know if/what else should be added. (edited)
benjifisher We now have a BoF: https://events.drupal.org/global2020/bofs/drupal-migrations. Thanks, @dinarcon!
benjifisher This is 18:15 EDT, not 17:15 as I suggested, but I think that is fine.
dinarcon @benjifisher I can change that, sorry. Time zones are complicated :confused:
dinarcon Well, I do not have permission to change time or delete the node to create it again in the proper time slot.
dinarcon I could ask someone from the DA to make the change.
Joshua Turton (srjosh) does anyone know if BOF sessions are free to attend?
dinarcon They are happening in Hopin so my guess is no because you would need a ticket to access Hopin in the first place.
Joshua Turton (srjosh) :disappointed:
dinarcon @benjifisher Neil from the DA has corrected the time for the BoF.
benjifisher Thanks again!
alison If anyone happens to discover that they're open to the public, pls let us know :slightly_smiling_face: (edited)

6️⃣ Harden SubProcess process plugin

benjifisher https://www.drupal.org/node/3126063
benjifisher @quietone posted an updated patch, so this issue needs review. I think the patch just adds a comment, as requested by Alex Pott. The issue was already RTBC before that request.
alison (I read this as "Heddn" even though those words don't look the same...)
damienmckenna The patch fixed a problem I had with missing text filters, so :thumbsup_all: from me.
benjifisher Can you review the patch and mark RTBC? It is OK to say something like "I did not review the whole patch, but this makes the change that was requested".
benjifisher I think you already commented on that issue that you had tested (the "T" in RTBC).
benjifisher RTBC, but I made two little suggestions. @quietone, please review.
quietone @benjifisher, Which issue?
benjifisher I should know by now: reload the page before adding a comment.I should know by now: bed time is bed time.Now I have actually left a comment: #3126063: Harden SubProcess process plugin#comment-13744849
wimleers (he/him) This landed! :partyfrog:

7️⃣ Commerce Migrate

benjifisher Any progress since last week?#3157118: Use classic node migration for functional tests
benjifisher It seems that tests are not running on the first one and tests are still failing on the second.I see a recent comment from @quietone on the second issue: it looks as though fixes are needed on CM.
damienmckenna Haven't worked on them yet, have been trying to get this migration to run through first.
damienmckenna Another issue I ran into, that I did a quick patch for: #3157708: Missing dependencies when using Migrate Upgrade
quietone Commerce Migration tests are failing due to a bug in Commerce.
benjifisher Based on that, I did not add an action item for this thread to 2️⃣ . That means I do not plan to bring up DC at the next meeting, although someone else could bring it up.

8️⃣ Move memory management from MigrateExecutable to an event subscriber

benjifisher #3006750: Move memory management from MigrateExecutable to an event subscriber
benjifisher Progress since last week. I have to review the updated patch, and I have to review the tests.

9️⃣ Use styling from Upgrade Status module on Review form

benjifisher #3088215: Use styling from Upgrade Status module on Review form
benjifisher I brought this up at the Usability meeting this week. I need to add a comment to the issue.
alison To add a comment regarding the usability meeting convo, or? (Are you saying that's the next step on this issue?) (edited)
benjifisher Yes, I have to say what we agreed on there.
alison Cool cool

1️⃣ 0️⃣ Switch to entity owner in EntityContentBase during validation

benjifisher #3134470: Switch to entity owner in EntityContentBase during validation
heddn This is blocked on a judgment call. I think I'm still in favor of user switching. There's precedent for that. But I'm also willing to go with a larger majority if there is disagreement. But I think the issue here is that there isn't a large enough opinionated group of people to care either way.
benjifisher Let me read the issue description.
heddn @mikelutz @quietone @benjifisher @phenaproxima (he/him) ^ any opinions from you guys would be nice.
benjifisher Not an informed opinion, but it seems that changing user during the validation is less disruptive than changing it globally. I assume it is also more complicated.Can you add instructions for manual testing to the issue description?
benjifisher I have never looked into validation. :disappointed:
quietone Like benjifisher I need to learn about validation
benjifisher The patch looks pretty simple. Would testEntityOwnerValidation() have failed before the patch?It might help to have a test-only patch to show what has changed.From a quick look, it seems that adding that test also requires a bunch of new use statements in that file and enabling several more modules for the test.
benjifisher Other than that, it is mostly adding a parameter to some constructors and actually using it in one place: switch account, validate, switch back.
phenaproxima (he/him) I am really, really torn about whether user switching is appropriate for this
phenaproxima (he/him) Here’s the thing — IMHO, validating migrations is about ensuring the integrity of data structures. In theory, that shouldn’t vary depending on which user is logged in.
phenaproxima (he/him) If we were doing validation at the UI level, then it would make more sense.
phenaproxima (he/him) On the other hand, I can also see a sledgehammer approach (validate everything as user 1) leading to strange behavior and potentially even security flaws, in the worst case scenario.
phenaproxima (he/him) And as @alexpott points out…at the API level, Drupal doesn’t validate entity structures as a particular user.
phenaproxima (he/him) Which leads me to think that, given the level at which the migration system operates, validating as user 1 is the right thing to do. But I really don’t know. This is really murky.
alexpott If I was writing a migration where I was concerned about performance I’d use user 1 - to basically disable most of the access type / permission checking. IMO there’s no right answer and this is something core should allow people to configure - there are times when the entity owner is correct, User 1, or anonymous...
phenaproxima (he/him) Then maybe this should be an option.
phenaproxima (he/him) validation_user. If it’s 0, anonymous. If it’s 1, admin. If it’s omitted, entity owner.
phenaproxima (he/him) Or something along those lines.
wimleers (he/him) Review posted: #3134470: Switch to entity owner in EntityContentBase during validation#comment-13748486

1️⃣ :one: Config migrations: examples, please

benjifisher From 1️⃣ : Looking for recommendations on a D7 -> D8 migration that creates config entities to learn from - any simple-ish ones or examples to look at?
benjifisher @damienmckenna already answered his own question with https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/api/migrate-api/migrate-destination-plugin.... Any other suggestions?
benjifisher I would look for an existing migration in core. Maybe image styles.
alison I would look for an existing migration in core.Good idea!First thing that comes to mind for me is content types, BUT, something that might be really useful for ppl is views -- do ppl migrate view config?
alison Oh, webforms -- not simple, bc of the node part, and the submissions part, but, webforms is another.
alison (I'll add links, too; right now I'm thinking out loud and on my phone :) )
benjifisher I am pretty sure that we gave up on migraitng Views. There are too many dependencies, add-on modules and such.
benjifisher And this thread started with a request for a simple example, not a useful one.
alison Ah, good point, ok. Thanks for refocusing.
alison Looking at core - great idea.I like the D7 vocabulary one, but maybe that's too simple?The D7 migrations in the field module are a nice set of config entity migrations -- you could stick to just the first three I'm going to mention, and then for "next level," get into the two "field_instance" migrations.d7_view_modes - very simple example of using static_map, no dependencies/connections on other migrations.d7_field has example usage of "constants" -- and an explanatory code comment about "translatable".d7_field_formatter_settings goes one level up I think -- two migration_lookup uses, to the field migration and view mode migration -- and has examples of setting local variables (I can't remember if that's the actual term, sorry if it isn't).https://git.drupalcode.org/project/drupal/-/tree/8.9.x/core/modules/fiel... (edited)
damienmckenna Great info, thanks Alison!
alison Cool, welcome!
alison It was helpful for me to look into, too :) (edited)
quietone Another reason I recall for not migrating views was that creating views can be done by site-builders and other cleanup/changes to the site  meant the views had to be recreated anyway.
alison Interesting, ok.  It feels like lots of things would be like that... BUT, that's just a feeling, not real information :smile:  Thank you!

1️⃣ 3️⃣ Wrap up

benjifisher Thanks for participating! I will update 2️⃣ . Please continue to add comments. In 1-7 days, I will post a transcript for today's meeting. (edited)
benjifisher As discussed in 5️⃣ , we will have a BoF at DrupalCon Global, but cancel our regular weekly meeting. The next meeting here in Slack will be in two weeks (July 23) at the same time as today's meeting.
Ginho how do i add myself to this meeting and announcement
heddn @benjifisher ^
dinarcon Thanks for facilitating Benji!
benjifisher @Ginho, join the meeting by commenting on thread 1️⃣ .I will add you to the list for future announcements.
Ginho thank you


damienmckenna, alison, benjifisher, heddn, dinarcon, Nick Dickinson Wilde, dww, quietone, wimleers (he/him), Joshua Turton (srjosh), phenaproxima (he/him), alexpott, Ginho


benjifisher created an issue. See original summary.

benjifisher’s picture

Title: [meeting] Migrate Meeting 2020-07-02 » [meeting] Migrate Meeting 2020-07-09

Ouch, I updated the wrong issue!

I will update the issue titles, and the parent/child relation will be messed up.

rishabhthakur’s picture

@benjifisher , It will be good if you add Slack group link and intial agenda of meeting....
So everyone can know share there thought..

benjifisher’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

I seem to have skipped from 11 to lucky 13 when numbering the threads.

benjifisher credited dww.

benjifisher credited heddn.

benjifisher’s picture

benjifisher’s picture

benjifisher’s picture

Status: Active » Fixed
benjifisher’s picture


I updated the description of #3158024: [meeting] Migrate Meeting 2020-07-23. That should be copied to the description of future issues.

Status: Fixed » Closed (fixed)

Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.