The purpose of the Hosting Support Forum is to assist user with questions related to hosting services and companies. It is not for advertising, recommending or linking to hosting services, or for soliciting such recommendations.

As this is not an advertising forum, be aware that the following are unacceptable content:

  • Ads for hosting companies.
  • Ads for free hosting.
  • Link to a hosting company with a recommendation (almost always spam).
  • Requests for "best" host (there is none – you get what you pay for).
  • Links to "Top Hosts" sites.
  • Pretending to be a satisfied customer of your own service.
  • Links to your own hosting service
  • Links to your own website (unless the purpose is to demonstrate a specific problem related to hosting).
  • Use of URL shortening services such as Tiny Url or

Failure to follow these rules can result in a post or comments being edited, deleted or locked, your 'confirmed' role revoked, or your user account banned.

The Hosting Support forum are looked after by VM, gisle and some other site moderators. We keep an active eye on this forum (mainly to delete spam), but feel free to contact us through the site moderators issue queue if you have any questions or concerns.

The Drupal Association maintains a list of Drupal hosting companies.