See 'Prijzen' on this page:

In the 'Afbeeldingen' column there should be Brilliant Galleries, but when I try to display more than one, it stops working: the first one is rendered as a bullet for some strange reason and the second row of the table seems to have vanished from the HTML completely...

Here is my code:

Type m2 (min) m2 (max) EUR (min) EUR (max) Afbeeldingen
Studio 57 62 31.643 35.604 [bg|Lotus Breeze/Floor plans/0|5|20]
1-bed 67 90 38.308 53.572 [bg|Lotus Breeze/Floor plans/1|5|20]
2-bed 98 101 43.218 56.930
3-bed 124 127 58.079 59.200


nutkenz’s picture

<table border="0" cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="0">

<!-- headers -->
<tbody><tr><td width="183"><strong>Type</strong></td><td width="64"><strong>m2 (min)</strong></td><td> <strong>m2 (max)</strong></td><td width="64"><strong>EUR (min)</strong></td><td><strong> EUR (max)</strong></td><td><strong>Afbeeldingen</strong></td></tr>

<!-- this works fine on the condition there is no gallery in the second row -->
<tr><td>Studio</td><td>57</td><td>62</td><td>31.643</td><td>35.604</td><td>[bg|Lotus Breeze/Floor plans/0|5|20]</td></tr>

<!-- this row vanishes completely from the HTML... -->
<tr><td>1-bed</td><td>67</td><td>90</td><td>38.308</td><td>53.572</td><td>[bg|Lotus Breeze/Floor plans/1|5|20]</td></tr>


nutkenz’s picture

Fixed: this is somehow related the HTML Purifier and the Drupal HTML cleaner. When I enable either of these it malfunctions, but when using Full HTML, it works fine.

Any follow up comments on why this might be occurring would be appreciated. This is the order of the filter:

URL filter
Nofollow list filter
HTML corrector
HTML filter
GMap filter
Brilliant Gallery Tag
Table alternate row filter