Acquia CMS now supports both Site Studio 6.9 & 7.0.

The Acquia CMS Site Studio is a part of the Acquia CMS Ecosystem.

To use Site Studio 7.0 with Drupal 9.4, users must install the experimental module "CKEditor5" and follow Using the CKEditor5 text editor for the “Site Studio” text format to switch from CKEditor4 to CKEditor5

* Acquia CMS Page
* Acquia CMS Search
* Acquia CMS Toolbar

How to upgrade Site Studio to release 7.4

composer update acquia/cohesion:^7.4 "drupal/acquia_cms*" drupal/sitestudio_config_management -w
If you are not using sitestudio_config_management, please skip drupal/sitestudio_config_management in above command.

How to switch from CKEditor4 to CKEditor5

Refer Using the CKEditor5 text editor for the “Site Studio” text format

Known issues:

Supporting organizations: 
Sponsor of development, support, and maintenance

Project information
