i18n-Module is installed and language prefixes are set for each language.
I want to add language dependent css using CSS Injector (wonderful module). But when I add "en/*" (without the quotation marks, of course) to the "Pages" field, nothing happens. It seems to be a similar bug as described in #157698.


Pepe Roni’s picture

Title: CSS Injector does not support laguage prefix (i18n-Module) » CSS Injector does not support language prefix (i18n-Module)

Sorry, the correct reference must read #157698: Problem using wildcard for i18n Language Theme.

Pasqualle’s picture

This is not a bug, this does not work in D6 core either. The language prefix is not considered as part of the path.

but, you can use this php code:

global $language;
return ($language->language == 'en')
klonos’s picture

Title: CSS Injector does not support language prefix (i18n-Module) » CSS Injector does not support language prefix (i18n-Module) for its include/exlude path rules

...minor title edit to clarify this a bit more.

StijnBousard’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Thanks, Pasqualle, #2 works for me (on my Drupal 7 site).