It may happen that you want to add a minimum word limit for a content type, but you don't want one of the default pre-entered settings. This mini-module changes it to a textbox, where you can enter any number you like.

The .module:

function minimum_words_text_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
        if ($form['#parameters'][0] == 'node_type_form') {
                $form['submission']['min_word_count']['#type'] = 'textfield';

The .info file:

name = Minimum words as text field
description = Makes the minimum word count of a content type a text field.
core = 6.x


tryitonce’s picture

I added the module and activated it in Drupal 6.13.

But there is now change in the Content Type form - I still only get the drop down box with 200 words.

I would like to increase the Min. word count for certain content types to make users write articles properly and not just collect points on a 200 word copy.

Thanks for any suggestions ....

len_chan’s picture

Just to clarify for anyone who stumbles on here. The function above is specific to the name used for the module. I named my test module "minimum_words", I needed to set the function name to minimum_words_form_alter (note the non-existence of "text" in the name)....

I'm hoping I get used to the Drupal API sooner or later.