gmaps 6.x-2.1

The first official release for D6. See project page for features.

gmaps 6.x-2.0-beta4

New features
Bug fixes

Geodesic data and marker options for users with full views integration.

Fixed some minor bugs and added some minor feature improvements.



gmaps 6.x-2.0-beta3

New features
Bug fixes

Geodesical data and marker options for terms with views intergation.

Several minor bug fix and improvment. See CVS messages.

gmaps 6.x-2.0-beta2

New features

New features:

  • Location module based point handlers for content and user markers
  • Geo module module based point option handler for content markers
  • Geo Taxonomy module based point option handler for term marlers
  • Link option handler for user markers

The node link option handler renamed.

The views data cache must be cleared.

gmaps 6.x-2.0-beta1

Full port of the project to D6.

All existing functionality are in final state and ready to use on production sites.

Only a few new, views realted functionality will be added before the 2.0 release: location and geo module support, term and node type based marker options.

gmaps 5.x-1.3

Bug fixes

- fixed typo bug caused array_merge error
- fixed taxonomy/location drupal_not_found() bug
- added "#query_value" (#default_value for query field) property to gaddress element
- changed gmaps_addresses location index

gmaps 6.x-2.x-dev

New features

Changed dependecies:
- required: from countries_api to geonames
- optional: format_number, keys (with patch)
- icon library feature requires Archive/Tar.php (dependecy checked, but feature not yet implemented)

Google API:
- domain support, other than .com
- localization support

gmaps 5.x-1.2

Bug fixes

- taxonomy/location argument encode/decode bug, when one or more of the parts contain a slash(/).
- #350952: Error when add a filter in view by carlogen: unable ot add address part filters.

gmaps 5.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes

Bug fixes:
- applied spelling patch from #342949 by mroswell
- icon path bug in case of non-clean URLs found by emersonlenon. See #339474
- fixed #343411 bug by mroswell: form elements now turning on dragging for themselves.
- fixed #344332 bug by mroswell: direction links now have valid URLs to
- fixed token merging bug: now you can have tokens for all kind of gmaps fields.
- fixed embed view bugs: "page" map config used for "embed" views, style plugin runs only on the second call.

gmaps 5.x-1.0

First usable release for production environments.

Only two missing features: the delete operation for both map and icon configurations.

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