Hi, the issue below is a repeat of an issue I posted about 6 months ago and nudged periodically with absolutely no response. Thought everyone might have been justafiably busy on the V6 port. (or maybe I had gotten banned somehow...?) Anyway, I just noticed that lots of 5.x issues are getting answered. Just thought I'd try again.

If I'm doing something unmannerly or this is the wrong place for this post, could someone please clue me in? It seems relevant and important to me and I imagine to others with an interest in subtabs.



I've been working with organic groups including OG-panels and OG-collections on a site with very satisfying success. The capability offered by Organic Groups and its integration with various modules is valuable and impressive and a testimate to the vision and hard work of this group.

However, I am trying to make sub-tabs on panels and having troubles.

As an example, I have made a panel ...Shared Resources with sub panels Books, Music, Movies, Links, Photos.

The directory hierarchy looks like this (ignoring the "dash" before the subdirectory examples):

- Shared_Resources/Books
- Shared_Resources/Music
- Shared_Resources/Movies
- Shared_Resources/Links
- Shared_Resources/Photos

This works very well (single panel tab shows up at Shared_Resources with sub tabs as expected) when I use og collections and preconfigured panels to make the panels and subpanels.

The panels and subpanels show up in my organic groups and work perfectly (as far as I can tell ) until I try to edit the panel page ( using edit page functionality). If I attempt to change anything on the page name or path, the og-panels edit functionality tells me that I can only use alphanumeric characters and dashes. My paths use underscores and slashes to denote subdirectories.

Since the panels and subpanels created with og collections using underscores and slashes work beautifully, is there a reason that the OG Panels module uses the more restrictive dashes and alphanumeric paths? Is this necessary?

Is there any workaround possible to include editable panels and subpanels (tabs and subtabs) inside an OG group?

Or can the OG Collections functionality be extended to be consistant within OG Panels?



jackspiv’s picture

Ok, one more piece of info ...

i just discovered that the subtabs that I thought worked perfectly when created in OG collections are not as perfect as I thought.

The tabs work well when a previously created panel view is used as content in a single sheet (one large column) layout style.

1. If the layout style is created (or edited) as the 3 column flexible type (screen message suggests success ...) and the columns loaded with content items (again with apparent success) only the panel view content in the leftmost column shows up.

2. No subsequently added content displays in any of the columns

3. When I remove all content from the layout, the originally loaded panel view still shows up.

4. Finally, when I remove the offending subtab structure (with slash and underscore) from the page's url
for example change our_gems/our_ideas to simply our-ideas ... the panel with all of its content appears fully correctly.

Somehow it seems that the entire content and page layout editing functionality of the OG Panels breaks when using the / and under_score syntax ... but the editor gives no indication of that.

Any ideas for a workaround?