pngbehave 7.x-1.9

Bug fixes

Issue # 1171754 by hermes14, incorrect usage of drupal_add_html_head.

pngbehave 7.x-2.x-dev

New features

Issue #687200 Introduce support for the DD_belatedPNG library
Issue #375020 setting for switching BackgroundImageCache off

pngbehave 7.x-1.8

Bug fixes

Issue #450484 by TCRobbert, SeanBannister, joelstien: account for missing 'blank.gif' image variable path with a hard path.
Issue #1019764 by lynnmart881: Drupal 7 release (dev)
Issue #1152142 by jmoruzi - using drupal_set_html_head in D7 causes WSOD
Issue #1159976 by Pasqualle, updated menu paths to new D7 admin/config rather than admin/settings

pngbehave 5.x-1.9

Bug fixes

Issue #450484 by TCRobbert, SeanBannister, joelstien: account for missing 'blank.gif' image variable path with a hard path.
Issue #374292 by ZMan9854, version 5 shows version 6 in .info file.

pngbehave 6.x-1.8

Bug fixes

Issue #450484 by TCRobbert, SeanBannister, joelstien: account for missing 'blank.gif' image variable path with a hard path.

pngbehave 6.x-2.x-dev

New features

Issue #687200 Introduce support for the DD_belatedPNG library

Issue #375020 setting for switching BackgroundImageCache off

Issue #450484 by TCRobbert, SeanBannister, joelstien: account for missing 'blank.gif' image variable path with a hard path.

pngbehave 5.x-1.8

Bug fixes

Updated to new BaseImgPath JS var to ensure proper pointer to the htc file

per #344762: Problem with drupal_base_path

pngbehave 5.x-1.7

Bug fixes

Chris Paul (mrjeeves): i forgot the line to include Drupal_base_path as a global
javascript var for 5.x branch. sigh.

pngbehave 5.x-1.6

Bug fixes

somehow cvs released the 6.x branch as 5.x-1.5. attempting to fix in 1.6

pngbehave 5.x-1.5

New features

initial 5.x release. based on 6.x-1.5 (merged by Chris Paul (mrjeeves))

initial port from 6.x-1.3 by steve Steve Wickham (wickwood) of Wickwood Marketing

pngbehave 6.x-1.5

Bug fixes

- Changed settings page to use textareas for long selector lists #343681: CSS class/Selector input field is too short...

- Added new option for specific exclusion list

- Considerable reduction in the number of calls and variable references

pngbehave 6.x-1.4

New features

- Considerable reduction in the number of calls and variable references

- Moved the padding reducer for scaled images to AFTER the image is processed
This keeps images with padding > size from disappearing or throwing errors

- Padding calculations now correct for negative padding values

- Added

pngbehave 6.x-1.3

Bug fixes

- using a blank sizingMethod removes the ability to define height and width on PNG images
Attempt to fix this by detecting defined sizes and setting sizingMethod to 'scale'.

- 'scale' sizingMethod still includes padding size in the total height/width
Correct this by subtracting the padding from the size before the image is scaled.

- Adding padding style to images and backgrounds will no longer break layouts

pngbehave 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

-removed auto size calculations due to new sizingMethod for IMG SRC

-using a blank sizingMethod 'eats' padding on images
attempt to correct this by adding the padding to the margin.

-changed sizingMethod for IMG SRC (type==2) to blank
fixes skewed images when padding is applied to the image
inspiration from here

pngbehave 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Version 1.1 introduces bug fixes for relative sub directory installs. (i.e.
This addresses #341710: Drupal installed in sub directory breaks PNG Behave!

Replaced Line 21 in pngbehave.module:

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