
Download style-6.x-1.x-dev.tar.gztar.gz 20.63 KB
MD5: e89824344009edd64e17f1a2eea9077b
SHA-1: 76d76999da68631adf1a00bd67c656acd77188b3
SHA-256: 8031bad992d29700218543c0294efbc58415e10daa4d86a7a0ed7447d6a13722
Download style-6.x-1.x-dev.zipzip 23.67 KB
MD5: 392bed5b1069f86628bf88f81f237939
SHA-1: 0fb1e285e09cb12d21086a665847d15be0df55cb
SHA-256: b8c527000e5b3d39907d35525eb6f5ae9f7937609fb32b96888acff921a7de9f

Release notes

     _         _                            _       _      
 ___| |_ _   _| | ___   _ __ ___   ___   __| |_   _| | ___ 
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|___/\__|\__, |_|\___(_)_| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\___|
         |___/          A skinning system for Drupal Themes

Style.module is a skinning system that overrides stylesheets in themes.

  File structure
    In every module and theme, the /styles folder includes additional

    Every directory in /styles is a different, unique, style.

    When a style is chosen, the style system replaces normal stylesheets
    for a theme or module with the styles own.
    It does this by replacing files relative to the original theme.
    Let's take an example, here's the output of DRUPAL_THEME_DIR/themes/moo/:
  | |
  | +-header-bg.png
    | |
    | +-moo.css
    | |
    | +-moo.css
    | |
    | +-images/
    |   |
    |   +-background.png
    | |
    | +-moo.css
    | |
    | +-images/
    | | |
    | | +-header.png
    | |
    | +-logo.png
      | |
      | +-header-bg.png

  If no style chosen, the theme will act normally.
  Day and Night styles
    the moo.css in the style overrides the theme's
    moo.css uses a the custom header-bg.png
    Logo.png is replaced by the same
    Uses moo.css with a modification of the site's fonts
    Custom moo.css with added background.png
  # See Tips: Theme stylesheet architecture
      Optionally: Files dir
      Color.module users rejoice. Styles.module supports all generated images
      and stylesheets natively by utilizing the files.
      This system treats the files directory as a different layer. The root
      of the file directory is treated as like the drupal_path, except for
      the permissions.
      So YOUR_DRUPAL/themes/moo/style/night
      and YOUR_DRUPAL/path_to_files/themes/moo/styles/night
      are treated the same.

  - You can replace images in CSS as you wish, simple use relative locations.
    Theme stylesheet architecture
    Essentially, you can seperate styling across stylesheets to increase the
    theme's flexibility. If you are interested in a good architecture for
    stylesheets, see the Zen starter theme. (
    If you are distributing a theme and want maximum configurability, you can
    for instance move all of your font CSS into a fonts.css stylesheet, and
    your images into a images.css stylesheet.
    You can also seperate configurable CSS (font, color, background) and
    non-configurable. Only the theme developer himself must determine what aspects
    of the CSS cannot be changed.
    Simply create two files, same statement, but different attributes.

  7.x goals
  - Overriding of .tpl.php files
  - In lieu of the stylesheet architecture tip, perhaps a core patch to improve
    Drupal's stylesheet caching system.

  Style-compatible extensions

  Harmony (to be included)
    Link module styles attach to theme styles.
    Create customizable stylesheets and images
      - Method of creating customizable stylesheets
      - Interface for customizing colors
      - Generation system. Output directly to native style.module styles.
  Big bonus: Styles will work as long as they are properly placed.
    This leaves room for developers to create custom front-ends and applications
    for customizing styles through drupal.

Created by: tonyn
Created on: 27 Dec 2008 at 13:19 UTC
Last updated: 6 Jul 2016 at 20:22 UTC
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