I installed the image_filter module, because it seems like a great way to easily let users add images to their posts. Apparently it doesn't work with the latest version of drupal, is that true? What way are people using to let users add images to posts? I tried putting [image:5] in a post, iwth a valid image id, but it just shows up as typed, not as an image. I'd love to use image_filter.


andre75’s picture

I am using img_assist module together wit image module. Works fine for me. I never had any desire for anything else.
The img_assist lets you easily upload an image and then hit a button to insert it into your post.
I can imagine that the image_filter module also requires the image module.



benshell’s picture

Also take a look at my rewritten version of img_assist:

It's a little easier to use and integrates better with TinyMCE. Eventually it will be probably be merged with the original version of img_assist.