I'm having a bit of trouble getting my head around flexinode and I really appreciate any help I can get understanding this.

My drupal terminology may not be precise, so I apologize in advance.

Previsously I wanted to use stories and have my users submit stories to the various categories I have created.

The problem I encountered is frequently we have contributors that want to have information published on our site that do not have an account at the site (we recieve the information via email), so we needed a way to have an author field that is not connected to our users info.

Flexinodes was suggested and this seemed to be exactly what we need. We could add the authors field and everything would be great.

However, I am having trouble understanding how flexinodes work.

I have created a content type, and added the fields I need but I do not know how I can:

1.) Have the users select the category when submitting a story in the flexinode.
2.) Disable the existing "Authored By" field in the flexinode.

Thank you very much for the help with this.