Here are all the details. These errors always appear above drupal and are on almost every page.

Type php
Date Friday, October 28, 2005 - 12:42am
User TheCoralReef
Location /?q=user/login&destination=node
Message Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/steve12/public_html/modules/site_map/site_map.module:172) in /home/steve12/public_html/includes/ on line 192.
Severity error

Type php
Date Friday, October 28, 2005 - 12:42am
User TheCoralReef
Location /
Message Table 'steve12_site1.smileys' doesn't exist query: SELECT * FROM smileys in /home/steve12/public_html/includes/ on line 66.
Severity error

Type php
Date Friday, October 28, 2005 - 12:42am
User TheCoralReef
Location /?q=admin
Message getimagesize(): PNG file corrupted by ASCII conversion in /home/steve12/public_html/includes/ on line 475.
Severity error

If you could help me with any or all of these, that would be great. My site won't look good or feel good to anyone with errors poping up a lot.


Steven’s picture

1) search for 'headers already sent' to find the answer
2) read smileys module's install.txt, you need to add the database tables
3) upload your png images in binary mode rather than ascii mode, in your ftp client

If you have a problem, please search before posting a question.

the coral reef’s picture

I dont understand what you mean by uploading them in binary rather than ascii. How do I choose which mode?

alexmarkley’s picture

I'm still new here, so I don't know for sure, but I suspect:

Your first error probably indicates that some included php file has some unwanted whitespace before or after its tags.

Your second error might mean that you've failed to install the .sql file that came with one of the extra modules that you dropped in the modules directory.

Your third error seems to indicate that one or more of your files was corrupted by a badly-behaving file transfer program. (Try reuploading your files in binary mode?)

Finally, I suspect that the errors are showing up on the screen because you've got the error log setting set to write errors to the log and to the screen. As a debugging measure, that's fine. (You should try to get those fixed!) Once your site is live and ready to receive visitors, set it so it only writes errors to the log.

Like I said, I'm new, and my installation of drupal doesn't exist at the moment, so all of that is from memory. Hope it helps. Everybody else feel free to clarify.

Alex Markley--
--A warehouse is just like any other house, except it turns EVIL under the light of a full moon.

the coral reef’s picture

This one I think is very common, though when I tried the search button, it seemed like no-one knew about it. Here it is:

user error: Unknown column 'grant_comment' in 'where clause'
query: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM node_access WHERE (nid = 0 OR nid = 17) AND CONCAT(realm, gid) IN ('all0') AND grant_comment = 1 in /home/steve12/public_html/includes/ on line 66.