easySlider 6.x-1.0-alpha1

Bug fixes

Issue #486828 by kansaj: JS aggegator
Issue #365002 by ipwa: Addtional empty slides
Issue #957536 by zibenua: Buttons NEXT & PREV

easySlider 6.x-2.x-dev

New features

#695086 by fehin: turn easySlider into a CCK formatter

First 6.x-2.x commit

Not fully working atm because it adds easyslider list to each image inside the field instead of one easyslider for all.

easySlider 6.x-1.x-dev

Initial dev version of EasySlider module. Now you have to name your view easyslider in order for the module to work, this solves the module getting in the way of any other views. Unfortunately because of this you can only make one EasySlider view at the moment.

easySlider 5.x-1.x-dev

This is the initial commit of EasySlider module, please only download this to test, don't use it on any live site.

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