select_or_other 8.x-1.0-alpha4

Bug fixes

This release fixes 3 bugs

Contributors (7)

danny.m, bentino, legolasbo, waleedq, DamienMcKenna, wve22358, Pavan B S


Issues: 4 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.x-1.0-alpha3:

select_or_other 7.x-2.24

Security update
Bug fixes

This release improves the way the formatter outputs custom tags which resolves

select_or_other 7.x-3.0-alpha2

Bug fixes
New features

Changes since 7.x-3.0-alpha1
#2622424 by yrocq, bserem
#2853966 by tobiasb
#2557833 by rodrigoaguilera
#2568353 by micnap, legolasbo
#1830090 by legolasbo
#1969084 by legolasbo
#2609010 by legolasbo
#2609006 by legolasbo
#2610910 by legolasbo
#2165467 by legolasbo
Removed Select (or other) drag and drop lists
#2596057 by legolasbo

select_or_other 8.x-1.0-alpha2

Bug fixes
New features

Second alpha release containing one bugfix and two new features as listed below.

select_or_other 8.x-1.0-alpha1

New features

The 8.x-1.x branch is a complete rewrite of the Select or Other module for Drupal 8.

This is the first Alpha release containing:

  • a Forms API element
  • a Field widget for (auto create) Entity reference fields based on the FAPI element mentioned above.

Future alpha releases will add additional widgets for list-type fields

select_or_other 8.x-1.x-dev

Bug fixes
New features

The 8.x-1.x branch is a complete rewrite of the Select or Other module for Drupal 8.

select_or_other 7.x-3.0-alpha1

Bug fixes
New features

The 3.x branch contains several code optimisations, automated tests and bugfixes that are not possible without a lot of rewriting. Each release should be quite stable, but development snapshots might break stuff.

select_or_other 7.x-2.21

Bug fixes

Maintenance release fixing several bugs and adding automated tests

select_or_other 7.x-2.20

Bug fixes

Fixes a problem with label and description not being displayed on Webform module fields.

select_or_other 7.x-3.x-dev

Bug fixes
New features

Major overhaul of the Select or other module.

Most notable changes:
Removed Available options PHP setting in favour of hook_select_or_other_available_options()
Removed Select (or other) drag and drop lists widget

select_or_other 7.x-2.15

Bug fixes

Issue #1685438 by danielb: Illegal string offset 'value'.

select_or_other 7.x-2.14

Bug fixes

Issue #1297396 by danielb: Field collection 'other_unknown_defaults' notice.
Issue #1672856 by danielb, usonian: Another cannot unset string offsets bugs.

select_or_other 7.x-2.13

Bug fixes

Issue #1671342 by bleedev: Cannot unset string offsets bug.

select_or_other 6.x-2.13

New features
Bug fixes

Issue #1652762 by jrockowitz: Focus textfield when user chooses 'other'.
Issue #1659058 by danielb: Wrong datatype for second argument.

select_or_other 7.x-2.12

New features
Bug fixes

Issue #1647946 by sbandyopadhyay: Added Field UI settings for other title.
Issue #1652762 by jrockowitz: Focus textfield when user chooses 'other'.
Issue #1659058 by danielb: Wrong datatype for second argument.
Added deprecated label on drag and drop lists to discourage commitment to this feature.

select_or_other 7.x-2.11

Bug fixes

Issue #1619670 by danielb: Undefined index in select_or_other_field_widget_validate().

select_or_other 6.x-2.12

Bug fixes

Issue #1596430 by Helmut Neubauer, danielb: Append to values with multiselect fix.

select_or_other 7.x-2.10

Bug fixes

Issue #1494954 by danielb: numeric validation problem.
Issue #1495448 by danielb, ptmkenny: Don't show N/A on unlimited checkbox.
Issue #1532316 by danielb, nicholas.alipaz: Optgroup fix.
Issue #1565618 by Liam Morland: Title Display fix.
Issue #1494980 by Rory: Undefined index error using drag and drop lists.

select_or_other 6.x-2.11

Bug fixes

Issue #1419164 by danielb: Undefined index error fix.
Issue #1419164 by bcmiller0: Removal of extra '%%'.

select_or_other 7.x-2.9

New features
Bug fixes

Issue #1414858 by danielb: Removal of apache solr integration.
Issue #1356112 by jmonkfish: Update to preserving available options keys.
Permission 'Use PHP for field settings (dangerous - grant with care)' replaced with 'use PHP for settings'.
Issue #1474658 by danielb, iancm: Maxlength correction in field widget.
Issue #1315754 by Liam Morland, dawansv: Empty value property.

select_or_other 7.x-2.8

Bug fixes

Issue #1324098 by DamienMcKenna: Removed line from theme function that caused errors.
Issue #1297396 by rellis: Field instance fix, helps compatibility with other modules.
Issue #1356112 by rellis: Preserve available options php keys.
Issue #1352168 by rellis, LittleRedHen, danielb: Properly match keys.
Issue #1375082 by goalgorilla, danielb: Field formatter.
Issue #1335980 by danielb: Numeric validation in Field API integration.
Issue #1324098 by jmonkfish: None option should only appear on non-required fields.

select_or_other 6.x-2.10

Bug fixes

Issue #1319724 by Jorrit: Undefined index errors.
Issue #1352168 by rellis, LittleRedHen, danielb: Properly match keys.

select_or_other 6.x-2.9

New features
Bug fixes

Issue #1051388 by travist, danielb: CCK field other value now prevents validation error when not used in plain node form.
Fixed a typo.
Issue #1236360 by davidwhthomas, danielb: Default value with optgroups support.
Issue #764932 by danielb: Append to available options.
Switching from 'append' to 'available' does not lose data.
Issue #1288154 by chrislabeard: Support for CCK3 multi-groups.
Issue #1066054 by danielb: HTML entities without key|value pairs.

select_or_other 7.x-2.6

New features
Bug fixes

Issue #1236360 by davidwhthomas, danielb: Default value with optgroups support.
Switching from 'append' to 'available' does not lose data.
Issue #1187928 by quicksketch: Added use of #theme_wrappers and #attached for js inclusion.
Issue #1259272 by jonlhouse, danielb: CSS attribute fix.
Issue #1066054 by danielb: HTML entities without key|value pairs.
Issue #1315754 by danielb: Please select option.

select_or_other 6.x-2.6

Bug fixes

Removed duplicate function select_or_other_content_allowed_values_alter().


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