dropbox 7.x-1.7

New features
Bug fixes

This is the first stable version of the Dropbox module for Drupal 7.

Changes since 8badea5:

dropbox 6.x-1.7

Bug fixes

Changes since 6.x-1.6:

  • #789010: Dropbox changed their SSL provider.

dropbox 6.x-1.6

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-5:

  • #619518: Apply fixes from Coder.
  • #710668: Unchecked Server Variable Throws Error.

dropbox 6.x-1.5

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-4:

  • #592428: Wrong function name in hook_requirements().

dropbox 6.x-1.4

Bug fixes

Note that this module now directly depends on the Secure Pages module. When updating, be sure to add the new module to your modules directory before running update.php.

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-3:

  • #535408: fgm: warnings from hook_boot, code style cleanup.
  • #535426: Undocumented dependency on securepages. Thanks to fgm for reporting and testing.

dropbox 6.x-1.3

New features
Bug fixes

This update fixes an issue with new users setting up Dropbox account integration, and is a recommended upgrade for all users.

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-2:

dropbox 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

When upgrading to this version, the DropboxUploader.php class must be downloaded from the project page and placed in the Dropbox module directory. Check your site status report to ensure that it is set up correctly. Version 1.1.3 must be used to work with the current Dropbox site.

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-1:

  • #481106: Dropbox returned the following error: Login unsuccessful.

dropbox 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

It is required that all users upgrade to this release for continued functionality. Dropbox eliminated the previous method of accessing an account, requiring significant changes to this module. Once installed, all users with Dropbox integration enabled will need to enter their Dropbox account information for their forms to work as expected.

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-0:

dropbox 6.x-1.0

New features

The Dropbox Integration module allows users to have a form for other users to send them files. It will also provide a wrapper for API functions from Dropbox as they become available.

dropbox 6.x-1.x-dev

This is the latest development version of the Dropbox Integration module for Drupal 6.

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