revisioning 7.x-1.9

Bug fixes
New features

Improve token behaviour (make author pertain to loaded revision, not very first)
Make rules tokens avail. Thanks gease
Extend Views interface for scheduled revisions #2230739: Need ability to access scheduled date via views. Thanks Ryan.
Fix redirection from edit form.

revisioning 7.x-1.4

New features
Bug fixes

Various improvements. See repository log.

revisioning 7.x-1.2

New features
Bug fixes

Various bug fixes, patches and features requested on the Revisioning forum.
See the git history for details.

revisioning 6.x-3.13

New features
Bug fixes

Various bug fixes, patches and features requested on the Revisioning forum.
See the git history for details.

revisioning 7.x-1.0

New features

Stable(ish) release after 7.x-1.0-betas were left to "mature". Currently zero reported problems in the queue for the 7.x branch.
One improvement: If a piece of content has multiple concurrent pending revisions all (rather than just one) will be shown in the Pending Revisions block.

revisioning 7.x-1.0-beta5

New features
Bug fixes

Fixed some annoying notices during content creation, both manual and through bulk operations.
No functional change.

revisioning 7.x-1.0-beta4

New features

Allow administrators to tick/untick "New revision in draft, pending moderation" on a node, rather than node-type, basis.
Context-sensitive label for Revisions tab.
Fix for #1139312: Unchecking "Create new revision" causes SQL error when Auto-publish is ON

revisioning 7.x-1.0-beta3

Bug fixes

Suppres subtabs of node/%/revisions when no specific revision is being viewed.

revisioning 6.x-3.12

New features
Bug fixes

Added Revisioning Scheduler submodule, by Zombienaute.
Also fix for #803112: Revision for translated node (thanks: sdelbosc) and #519924: Panels integration fix.

revisioning 7.x-1.0-beta1

New features

Added Revisioning Scheduler submodule, ported from D6 version by Zombienaute.

revisioning 7.x-1.0-alpha5

New features
Bug fixes

Applied patch from issue #982002: Pre hooks don't allow modules to prevent publish or revert actions.
Introduced revisioning_preprocess_node() to accommodate full page view in the context of nid_load(), so that node title doesn't appear duplicated.

revisioning 7.x-1.0-alpha4

New features

Simplified Revisioning section of permissions page.
Make all status messages controllable via 'view revision status messages' permission.

revisioning 7.x-1.0-alpha2

New features
Bug fixes

Implemented triggers & actions, tokens.
Fixed some permission issues due to core changes in node_access() between D6 and D7.

revisioning 7.x-1.0-alpha1

New features

First cut of D7 port. Does not require Module Grants. Not working yet: Triggers and Actions, translations. Doco updated, see

revisioning 6.x-3.11


6.x-3.11 is identical to 6.x-3.10 which had a CVS tagging error.

revisioning 6.x-3.9

Bug fixes

Don't redirect to latest revision when creating new node or when content type is not subject to moderation #761010: /node/11/revisions/11/view url after saving content on node type without revisions enable..
Don't change title of View/Edit tabs to 'View/Edit current' when content type is not subject to moderation.

revisioning 6.x-3.7

New features

More View fields for Node and Node Revisions, plus filters for all. A canned view "Content summary" is available as a base for further customisation.

revisioning 6.x-3.6

New features

Views integration (first cut): 'state' field for Node and Node Revision groups, as well as a filter for each.

revisioning 6.x-3.2

Bug fixes

Revisioning configuration page to auto-reload menus upon Save as menus depend on config settings.

revisioning 6.x-3.1


Fixed issue where saving newly created content would redirect to a non-existing page.
Refactored. Implement #602146: view last published revision; edit only most recent.

revisioning 6.x-1.x-dev

Fixed issue where saving newly created content would redirect to a non-existing page.
Refactored. Implement #602146: view last published revision; edit only most recent.

revisioning 6.x-2.6

New features
Bug fixes

o #500864: Use menu local tasks for revision links and actions., stage 1 (thanks: crea)
o Bug fix: #505724: User is taken to //node/%nid/revisions after editing node (thanks: dboulet)
o Bug fix: #499126: Query string 'destination' overrides diff redirect path (thanks: dboulet)
o Bug fix: #499820: HTML entities are not displayed correctly in node titles in messages (thanks: dboulet)
o Bug fix: #415012: Do not show revisioning info on teaser view
o Bug fix: #416998: Revisioning takes over all "Edit" in all content
o Bug fix: #484774: Only Show Revisioning Sublinks if Revisions Enabled for That Content Type
o Feature: returned Delete button: #482184: Who stole my delete button !
o Feature: Pending revisions alert: a small "block" a moderator can place anywhere on the screen showing the latest (or oldest) content titles currently awaiting review and publication. Gets updated automatically as the moderator clicks around the screen (even when navigating to pages not related to moderation).
o Feature: #428354: Tab for listing author's content (via latest version of Module Grants)
o Feature: Auto-publication upon save: new option for moderators, saving them another couple of clicks; see also: #470308: New content remains unpublished for users with Publish permissions
o Feature: #481018: Revisioning triggers are only listed for user #1


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