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This module provides a Views integration to the Apache Solr Search Integration project. It provides the views plugins and handlers needed to be able to create a view that fetches its results from Apachesolr index, without hitting the database.


Requires Apache Solr Search. Requires the use of an Apachesolr search index.


Download and install the module as normal.


First make sure that Apachesolr module is configured correctly. If in the page "admin/config/search/apachesolr/settings" the Apachesolr environment is green and working, you can test this by using the site search page. Create a view from admin/structure/views/add and choose Apachesolr search. All of the fields indexed in solr should be available as views fields/filters/sort. Configure the view as needed and save it.


Solr Devel can diagnose problems with solr entity indexing.
Solr admin adds even more options, and is usually available at:


  • It is impossible to have duplicate results, unlike database views.
  • Queries do not hit the database, and so they offload the database server.
  • Views are very easy to customize, unlike search pages.



Search API and Search API Solr Search modules can be used to create views with Apache Solr backend. This provides a more powerful, and better maintained views integration. If you are stuck with Apache Solr Search, then you probably want to install this module.


The 7.x branch is maintained by Miroslav Vladimirov Banov.

The 6.x branch is unmaintained.

Supporting organizations: 
Development and Support

Project information
